Course Criteria

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  • 3.00 Credits

    A background course designed to acquaint the student with the definitions, characteristics, potentialities, abilities, and learning styles of academically talented, creative, visual and performing arts talented, and other talented students. Methods of identification and a survey of assessment instruments shall be explored through a review of related and historical research as well as a critical examination of current practices in education of the talented. This course fulfills state requirements for endorsement for Intervention Specialist/Gifted.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: EDCI 650 is suggested This course examines curriculum processes necessary for providing a differentiated education for the talented, including but not limited to academically talented, visual and performing arts talented, and creative students. Utilizing strategies to enhance pace and depth of learning, students will study a variety of theoretical models useful in the development of Dwight Schar College of Education 98 programs for the academically talented, visual and performing arts talented and creative. Students will analyze processes and methods for organizing learning for the talented, with emphasis on flexibility and continuous progress. Students will develop instructional materials based on useful models and will adapt existing teaching aids to meet the curricular needs of outstandingly talented students individually and in special groups, using techniques of acceleration, enrichment, and special placement. This course fulfills requirements for the endorsement.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisites EDCI 650 and EDCI 651 This course is designed for educators who will be directly involved in the administration of talent development education programs. Job descriptions, program prototypes and evaluation techniques will be discussed, as well as guidelines for the development of grants, proposals and budgets. Participants will explore the steps in developing talent development education programs, including needs assessment, identification, assessment instruments, selection of personnel, staff development, supervision, formative and summative evaluation, philosophy and curriculum. Students will become cognizant of current practices, trends, and pertinent research within the field of gifted education and talent development education.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisites EDCI 650 and EDCI 651 Guidance and counseling theories and practices for dealing with the affective, career, and educational planning needs of the outstandingly talented in the four areas identified - intellectual, specific academic, creative, and arts - by the Ohio Standards and SHB 282, will be the main thrust of this course. Needs of special and diverse populations of talented students will also be considered. Among these will be disadvantaged, rural, young, females, minorities, twice-exceptional, very high - IQ, and underachieving students. Techniques and strategies involving the cooperative effort and utilization of parents, community agencies, advocacy groups, and school personnel will be considered. This course fulfills requirements for the Ohio Intervention Specialist/Gifted Endorsement.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: EDCI 650 and EDCI 651 This is a course in creativity studies with a focus on the field of the education of the talented and gifted. Creativity will be discussed with regard to (1) the creative person and what makes him/her creative; (2) the creative process; (3) the creative product. Creativity in outstandingly talented students in the four identified areas of the Ohio Standards will be considered. These are intellectual, specific academic, creative, and arts-identified students. Students will be exposed to readings, assignments, and exercises designed to enhance personal and student creativity, as well as to classic and current psychological and educational theories of creativity and creativity training. This course fulfills requirements for the Ohio Intervention Specialist/Gifted Endorsement.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: EDCI 560 and one other graduate literacy course. Enrollees will build on their personal theories of effective and responsive literacy instruction in the language arts. This will be accomplished by collaborating and studying with fellow students, professors, children, and family care givers for the purpose of generating and sustaining an assessment and learning cycle for children experiencing difficulty in the English language arts. Emphasis in the course will be on collaborative, focused assessment and responsive literacy plans for low progress children enrolled in Ashland University's Becker Reading Center or approved site under the supervision of an Ashland University instructor.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Enrollment in a Master's Program and the Literacy Endorsement; Literacy Leadership I must be taken concurrently with EDCI 667 Literacy Practicum. This course is designed as part of a program to prepare literacy specialists who are: knowledgeable and skilled in literacy pedagogy; committed to excellent literacy curriculum, instruction, and assessment for all children; and prepared to provide professional development services in school settings. Literacy Leadership I will focus primarily on leadership at the building level.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Enrollment in a Master's Program and the Literacy Endorsement; Literacy Leadership I must be taken concurrently with EDCI 666 Literacy Practicum. The Literacy Leadership Practicum I is a semester-Long, planned, supervised, and evaluated field-based experience within a school setting. It is designed to be taken concurrently with EDCI 666 Literacy Leadership I. The Internship is required for those seeking literacy specialist licensure.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Enrollment in a Master's Program and the Literacy Endorsement; successfully completing Literacy Leadership I; must be taken concurrently with EDCI 669 Practicum II The second in a required series of courses designed to prepare literacy educators to serve as reading specialists/ supervisors for grades PreK-12. Leadership II will continue to develop the proficiencies necessary to assume the multiple roles expected of a literacy specialist, particularly: leader; collaborative consultant; mentor; resource for both informal and formal professional development; liaison between school and family and/or community; and literacy advocate. Participants will also be expected to develop competency in understanding and applying research findings to guide effective practice and to engage in collaborative, professional inquiry. Dwight Schar College of Education 99
  • 3.00 Credits

    Enrollment in a Master's Program and the A Literacy Endorsement; successfully completing Literacy Leadership I and Literacy Practicum The Literacy Leadership II Practicum provides the course participants with the opportunity to extend the learning from Literacy Leadership II and to implement the knowledge, skills and dispositions in a practical educational setting and in the greater community.
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