Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
This course gives the student an experience in the design, analysis and evaluation of psychological research studies. Advanced design and analysis techniques will be discussed. Each student designs and conducts a laboratory research project that culminates in an oral and written report. Prerequisites: PSY 2301, PSY 2302, MAT-PSY 2326, PSY 3317, PSY 4453, 30 hours in Psychology, and permission of the instructor.
3.00 Credits
This course focuses on the dynamics of psychological counseling and how this service is organized and administered in a wide variety of clinical, industrial, educational, governmental and organizational settings. The student is exposed to a number of different counseling theories and techniques and is expected to gain a critical appreciation of each. Some topics developed in this course are: counselor preparation and personality traits, counselor supply and demand, licensure, and career patterns, group counseling, ethical and legal issues, clientele and future trends. Students may not earn credit for both PSY 4331 and EDU 4331. Prerequisites: PSY 2301, PSY 3306 or PSY 3329, and at least 12 hours in psychology.
3.00 Credits
This course surveys the historical trends in psychology from ancient times to the present. The schools of psychology-Structuralism, Functionalism, Behaviorism, Gestalt Psychology, and Psychoanalysis-will besurveyed as will contemporary viewpoints. Prerequisites: PSY 2301, PSY 2302, MAT-PSY 2326, PSY 3317, and senior status.
3.00 Credits
This course will provide a treatment of current theoretical or practical problems in psychology. This problem course is a seminar, with content to vary with the instructor, but announced in advance of registration. Enrollment should be limited to psychology majors or permission of the instructor. Prerequisites: PSY 2301 and upper-level status in the major.
3.00 Credits
This will serve as a capstone course in the major where students will work on Professional skills such as producing a student curriculum vita, and making presentations (both oral and poster) of a research project. Students will be exposed to a review of all major topics in Psychology for seminar style discussion. Students will be tested regarding their general cumulative knowledge in the major as part of discipline-specific measurement of student outcomes within the context of university-wide assessment. Prerequisites: PSY 2302, PSY 3317, 30 hours in PSY and senior status.
3.00 Credits
(See the course description for the Cooperative Education course numbers 4391 and 4392.)
3.00 Credits
The purpose of this course is to allow junior and senior Psychology majors who have already participated in a credit-bearing independent research effort to continue their exploration of research with a faculty research mentor. Students will participate in an empirical study with the expectation that they will present results in an oral forum such as University Forum or a regional Psychology conference. Registration for this course is with permission of the Psychology Coordinator who will evaluate the ability and maturing of the student to continue independent work. Prerequisites: PSY 2302, PSY 3317, PSY 3393, 3.0 GPA, and 30 hours completed in Psychology.
3.00 Credits
This course is a continuation of PSY 3394. It provides an expanded opportunity to apply the theories, methods, and research acquired in the classroom to contemporary issues in society. Students should gain insight into the type of work psychologists do and the purpose and service of the agency they serve. In addition, the student should relate this field experience to the psychology fieldwork coordinator through weekly journal entries, an applied research paper, and a self-evaluation. The academic grade (A, B, C, D, F) will be determined by the psychology fieldwork coordinator with due consideration given to fieldwork site supervisor's evaluation of the student according to the course requirements. Prerequisites: 3.0 GPA, 27 hours in psychology, and permission of the instructor or advisor
4.00 Credits
This course surveys the major findings and methods of experimental psychology covering perception, psychophysics, human learning and memory and concept of formation. Students will be required to write laboratory reports using the format of the American Psychological Association. (Two lecture periods and one three-hour laboratory period per week) Prerequisites: PSY 2301, PSY 2302, PSY 2326, and PSY 3317.
6.00 Credits
(See the course description for the Cooperative Education course number 4691.)
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