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0.00 Credits
Offered for S and U grades only. Open only to computer science students. No degree credit. May not be used to satisfy undergraduate computer science elective requirements. Review of computer science practical experiences resulting from participation in coop/internship program. (T)
3.00 Credits
Material fee as given in Schedule of Classes. Students must attend orientation as listed in the Schedule of Classes. Offered only as computer-based instruction on main campus. If main campus section is elected, student must complete minimum of five hours per week in CSC lab (for lab hours, see Schedule of Classes). Overview of current computing technology, organization, and use. Data representation and storage, hardware and software organization, communications technologies, ethical and security issues. Hands-on training in common application software: word processing, spreadsheets, presentation, electronic telecommunications, e-mail, Internet and database searches. The University resources emphasized. (T)
2.00 Credits
Prereq: MAT 1800. No credit for computer science students after CSC 1100. Material fee as given in Schedule of Classes. Introduction to Unix, Unix editor, and C Programming Language. Unix development tools and fundamentals of C language discussed. (T)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: CSC 1000 or successful passing of Computer Literacy Exam; MAT 1800; coreq: CSC 1101. No credit after any other programming language; no credit for students in CSC B.S. program. Problem solving with algorithms, and their realization as computer programs using a structured, general purpose programming language; data types, operators, expressions, assignment, input and output, selection and repetition control structures; modularity and procedural abstraction using functions with parameters; structured data types, arrays, pointers and strings. (T)
1.00 Credits
Prereq: CSC 1000 or successful passing of Computer Literacy exam; MAT 1800; coreq: CSC 1101. No credit after any other programming language; no credit for students in CSC B.S. program. Material fee as given in Schedule of Classes. Mandatory two-hour closed laboratory; discussion of lecture materials and completion of hands-on exercises. Implementing programs using a general purpose programming language; software resulting from this can be used in more advanced computer science courses. (T)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: CSC 1000. Problems in business applications: editing, transaction analysis, file update, report generation, tape and disk files, COBOL specification and implementation of sequential, indexed, direct and relative file organizations and their related access methods. (I)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: CSC 1100 and CSC 1101, both with grade of C or better; and MAT 2010; coreq: CSC 1501. Introduction to fundamental control and data structures in computer science such as algorithms and complexity; recursive algorithms; program correctness using the predicate calculus; reasoning about algorithms using mathematical induction; divide and conquer algorithms; recurrence relations; set properties and their computation; and computing with relations. Graph properties and their computation, and tree properties and their computation, will be covered if time permits. (T)
1.00 Credits
Prereq: CSC 1100 and CSC 1101, both with grade of C or better; MAT 2010; coreq: CSC 1500. Material fee as given in Schedule of Classes. Discussion and supervised hands-on exercises to complement CSC 1500. (T)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: placement out of MAT 1800 and CSC 1000. No credit for Computer Science majors. Material fee as given in Schedule of Classes. Elements of C++; carrays, pointers and references; operators; classes and objects. (T)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: one of the following: successfully pass Computer Science Placement Exam, or CSC 1100 with grade of C or better; coreq: CSC 2111 and MAT 2010. Rigorous introduction to fundamental object-oriented concepts and techniques of computer programming using an object-oriented language. Introduction to data abstraction; design of abstract data types; introduction to recursion; programming with generic data types; inheritance; polymorphism; and exception handlers. Concepts applied to console programs and event-driven programming using a simple graphics API. (T)
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