Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Introduction to drugs and their actions. Emphasis on psychoactive drugs, their effects, and the consequences of their use and misuse to the individual and society. (T)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: PSY 1010 or 1020. Applications of psychological principles to everyday life. How research can be used to guide positive self-change in various contexts (e.g., stress, psychological problems, personality, persuasion, attitudes). (T)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: PSY 1010 or 1020. Facts, principles, theories of psychological development. Development of intellectual, emotional, perceptual, linguistic, and social behavior. Developmental trends. (T)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: PSY 1010 or 1020. Clinical, social, developmental, and biopsychosociological theory and research on relationship of psychological and behavioral factors to physical health and well-being. Positive and negative health behaviors, stress and coping, social relations and social support, psychoneuroimmunology, patient-practitioner interaction and health utilization, management of chronic illness. (T)
3.00 Credits
Dynamics and attendant problems of racism directed toward African Americans. Lectures, class discussions, film presentations. (I)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: PSY 1010 or 1020. Social behavior of the individual as influenced by the group. Particular attention given to social perception, motivation, and learning; attitudes and values; dynamics of social groups. (T)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: PSY 1010 or 1020 or consent of instructor for non-psychology majors. Primarily for psychology majors. Principles and computational methods that apply to quantitative aspects of psychological procedure; elementary correlation theory and prediction, sampling problems, tests of hypotheses, elementary test theory, interpretation of results. (T)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: PSY 1010 or equiv. Fundamental theories, concepts, and empirical studies of basic sensory processes and the perception and organization of sensory phenomena. (Y)
2.00 Credits
Prereq: PSY 1010 and 3010; prereq. or coreq: 3040. Laboratory investigations of basic perceptual phenomena and sensory processes involving vision, hearing, smell and touch. Use of different experimental paradigms including traditional psychophysical methods. This course will satisfy the Writing Intensive (WI) requirement when elected with coreq. PSY 5993. Material Fee as indicated in the Schedule of Classes (Y)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: PSY 1010 or equiv. Fundamental theories, concepts, and empirical findings in field of learning. (Y)
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