Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Required for undergraduate majors. Prereq: ANT 2100 or 5200 or consent of instructor. Explore the rich interconnections of language and culture in distant and local communities, in contexts where languages are declining or developing anew, and in life cycle and ordinary contexts of daily life. Students are also expected to explore their own language and cultural backgrounds and those to which they are drawn. (F)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: ANT 2100 or 5200 or consent of instructor. Contemporary linguistic anthropologists see language as a form of social action. How has this understanding of language in society evolved Read classic works of linguistic anthropology and contemporary studies in this growing field. Engage in research in language in society. (W)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: ANT 2100 or 5200 or consent of instructor. The nature and variety of religious belief and practice; theoretical interpretations. (B)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: ANT 2100 or 5200 or consent of instructor. Required for majors. History of ideas and explanatory theories in anthropology; continuities and disjunctures in British, French, American, German, Belgian, Russian, and Third World anthropologies. (Y)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: ANT 2100 or consent of instructor. Concepts and theory in medical anthropology from cultural and biological perspectives. Topics include: cross-cultural aspects of sex and gender in health and illness, life course, sexuality, birth and death, bio-cultural approaches to healing and treatment, international health and epidemiology. (B)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: ANT 2100 or consent of instructor. Cultural construction of the life course; age categories such as childhood and old age examined from cross-cultural, historical, political and economic perspectives. Special attention to women's aging; role of biology and ethnicity in aging and death and dying. (B)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: consent of instructor. Field placement in a health service agency. Students provide volunteer assistance to an agency while conducting participant observation research exercises. Utilization of field experience to learn about urban health issues and research methodology. (I)
3.00 Credits
Physical, spiritual, legal, economic, political, cultural, and ethical issues at the end of life, examined as stories about individuals, families, and communities. (Y)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: ANT 2100 or consent of instructor, or CBS 2010. Survey of the history and characteristics of cultures in Mesoamerica prior to and after colonization, from the Maya and Olmec to the Aztec and their descendants. (I)
3.00 Credits
Introduction to basics of museums, museum work, and museum theory. Topics include: collections management, data bases, interpretive exhibit methods, current issues in museum studies, legal concerns, role of museums as educational institutions. (I)
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