Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Prereq: ANT 2100 or consent of instructor. Social-cultural effects of urbanization from a cross-cultural perspective with emphasis on the developing area of the world. The process of urbanization; the anthropological approach in the area of urban studies. (Y)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: ANT 2100 or 2110 or consent of instructor. Interrelationships between the cultural and biological aspects of humans; human genetic variability, human physiological plasticity and culture as associated mechanisms by which humans adapt to environmental stress. (Y)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: ANT 2100 or 5200 or consent of instructor. Ethnographic and comparative study of power, politics, and political organizations in non-state and state societies and in the colonial encounter; evolutionary, functionalist, practice-oriented, Marxist, feminist, and Foucauldian approaches to the study of power. (I)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: CRJ 2000 or ANT 2110 or consent of instructor. Introductory survey of the natural, medical, and behavioral sciences with regard to forensic applications. Topics may include: toxicology, forensic pathology, fingerprints, ballistics, analysis of the human skeleton, body fluid identification. (B)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: ANT 2100 or consent of instructor. Critical reading of classical and contemporary ethnographies (anthropological descriptions and interpretations of societies and cultures, based on fieldwork). ,Analysis of theoretical approaches to the study of culture, social relations, and social organizations; ethnographies in historical and comparative perspectives; nature of ethnographic representation and knowledge. (Y)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: ANT 2100 or consent of instructor. Required for majors. Intensive introduction to research methods, techniques and issues in anthropology. Students engage in a research experience supervised by the instructor, write a field journal, and complete a final exam. Exercises focus on data collection, data management, and data analysis. Techniques include participant observation, fieldnotes, and interviewing. Students learn how to use software packages employed by anthropological researchers in the computer lab. (Y)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: ANT 2100 or consent of instructor. Evolutionary and cultural bases of gender roles using a world sample, division of labor, marriage and sexual behavior, power and ideology. (I)
3.00 Credits
A triple heritage has contributed to the shaping of lives of African descent: the indigenous, Islamic and Christian religions. Analysis of these legacies, their specificity, interplay and significance in Africa, the Caribbean, South and North America. (I)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: ANT 2100 or 3200. For advanced upper-level undergraduates with a background in anthropology, and graduate students. Current theoretical and methodological approaches to investigation of past societies; frameworks include culture history, processual, structuralist, neo-Marxist; methods and techniques used to investigate ancient environments, subsistence strategies, ideologies, and social, political and economic organizations. (Y)
5.00 Credits
Prereq: consent of instructor; ANT 5270 recommended. Introduction to reconnaissance and excavation of sites; preparation and cataloging of specimens; analysis of data. Material Fee as indicated in the Schedule of Classes (B)
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