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3.00 Credits
Prereq: AME 3601. Election of more than three credits per semester requires consent of instructor. Open only to art or design and merchandising majors in B.A., B.F.A., M.A. or M.F.A. program. Intellectual and conceptual nature of student's artwork; discussion and analysis. Methods of criticism. Material Fee as indicated in the Schedule of Classes (F,W)
3.00 Credits
Prereq: consent of instructor. Open only to art or design and merchandising majors in B.A., B.F.A., M.A. or M.F.A. program. Individual problems. (F,W)
3.00 Credits
Required for majors. Study of humanity, past and present: cultural diversity and change, human evolution, biological variability, archaeology, ethnography, language, and contemporary uses of anthropology. (T)
3.00 Credits
Required for majors. Role of hereditary and environmental factors, human genetics, meaning of "race" and racial classifications, fossil records, non-human primate behavior and evolution. (T)
4.00 Credits
Introduction to Native cultures and archaeology of Michigan and the Great Lakes region, from the first peopling of the region through early historic times; changing patterns of adaptation to the ecology of the Great Lakes region; focus on ancient technologies and material culture, social organization, settlement patterns, economic strategies, and political formations. (Y)
3.00 Credits
Methodologies, techniques and applications of oral history used as tools to investigate modern social history of Middle Eastern societies. (W)
3.00 Credits
Required for majors. Only students in Honors Program may register for four credits. Human societies exhibit tremendous variation. How and why do we differ What do these differences mean in today's world. Explore, contrast, compare, understand cultures like those of the Amazon rain forest, China, Japan, Alaska, India, Central America, and urban America. View their lifestyles, politics, kinship, economics, religions through readings, discussion, film. (T)
3.00 Credits
Offered for four credits to Liberal Arts Honors students only. Arab, African American, and Hispanic minorities from the perspective of history, social organization, and cultural background. Topics include: family roles, community structure, migration, religious beliefs, education, health problems. (T)
3.00 - 4.00 Credits
Differences between American culture/business practice and the culture/business practice of other countries: assumptions, world view and family structure, organization and language. (T)
3.00 Credits
Required for majors. Early civilizations that developed in different parts of the world in comparative perspective. Hypotheses to explain rise and fall of civilizations, in context of ancient cultures. Basics of archaeology: how facts are formed; meaning of "civilization." How understanding of the past shapes understanding of the present. Geared toward the non-major. (Y)
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