Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Prereq. or coreq: C E 2400. Open only to students enrolled in professional engineering programs. A study of the field of manufacturing processes from a mechanical engineering design standpoint. Topics include: processing of metals, polymers and ceramics, and computer-aided manufacturing. Material Fee as indicated in the Schedule of Classes (F,W)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: M E 2050, M E 2060, M E 2400; prereq. or coreq: B E 2100. Open only to students enrolled in professional engineering programs. Static body stresses, strain and deflection, failure theories, introduction to impact loading and fatigue. Design of common mechanical elements: threaded fasteners, rivets, welding and bonding, springs, lubrication and sliding bearings, rolling element bearings. Material Fee as indicated in the Schedule of Classes (T)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: M E 3300, ENG 3050, B E 2100, B E 2550. Open only to students enrolled in professional engineering programs. Fundamental concepts and basic modes of heat transfer. General equation of heat conduction, steady state heat conduction on one and more dimensions. Transient heat conduction. Heat transfer by radiation, Kirchoff's law and the black body. Radiation between diffuse surfaces. Radiation from gases, vapors and flames. Introduction to heat convection; concept of heat transfer coefficient and Nusselt number. Lab experiments to supplement lectures. Material Fee as indicated in the Schedule of Classes (F,W)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: M E 3480, ENG 3050; prereq. or coreq: M E 3450, M E 4410. Open only to students enrolled in professional engineering programs. Engineering analysis of design case histories through the application of familiar engineering principles and methods. Critical evaluation of previously designed systems, and recommendations for possible improvement, in written and oral student reports. (F,W)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: M E 4210; ENG 3060. Open only to students enrolled in professional engineering programs. (Note: M E 4300 and M E 4500 cannot be taken concurrently.) Design of thermal-fluid systems to meet system performance requirements, computer-aided design, system simulation, design optimization including investment economics. Material Fee as indicated in the Schedule of Classes (F,W)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: M E 3400, MAT 2150, ENG 3050, B E 2100. Open only to students enrolled in professional engineering programs. Fundamentals of dynamic principles, energy relation and Rayleigh's principle. Undamped and damped free vibration of one degree of freedom systems. Forced vibrations with harmonic excitation. Vibration isolation, critical speed of shafting. Experiments to supplement theory. Material Fee as indicated in the Schedule of Classes (F,W)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: M E 3400. Mathematical modeling of linear, lumped, time-invariant systems, open and closed loop systems, single-input-single-output system design using root locus method. (F,W)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: M E 4250, ENG 3060, B E 2550. Open only to students enrolled in professional engineering programs. (Note: M E 4300 and M E 4500 cannot be taken concurrently.) Students work in teams on a semester-long open-ended design project in which elements and subsystems are synthesized into larger systems. Formal written report required at the end of the project. Where applicable, hardware will be fabricated and tested. Material Fee as indicated in the Schedule of Classes (F,W)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: MAT 2150 and senior standing. Applications of ordinary differential equations. The method of Frobenius, Bessel functions, Legendre polynomials. Orthogonality of characteristic functions. Fourier series and Fourier integrals. Characteristics and solutions of partial differential equations. Method of separation or variations. Applications to initial and boundary value problems in engineering. Material Fee as indicated in the Schedule of Classes (F)
4.00 Credits
Prereq: MAT 2150 and senior standing. Basic operations of complex numbers. Analytic functions and Cauchy-Riemann conditions. Cauchy and Goursat theorem. Residue theorem. Conformal mapping and its applications. Schwarz-Christoffel transformation. Basic properties of the Laplace transformation. Convolution integral. Applications to mechanical and electrical engineering problems. Material Fee as indicated in the Schedule of Classes (W)
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