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3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: CS 284 or permission of the instructor. This is an examination of the development of programming languages. The emphasis is on the interaction between classes of languages and their associated programming paradigms. Topics include imperative, functional logic, and objectoriented languages. Offered in the fall semester. 3 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: junior standing in CS or BIS or permission of instructor. This is a study of the concepts and terminology of data communications, network design, and distributed information systems. Major topics include communication concepts, network architecture, data communications software and hardware, and the impact of communications technology on information systems. This course is equivalent to BIS 413. Offered in alternate spring semesters. 3 cr.
2.00 Credits
Corequisite: CS 360. Students will gain experience with configuring and maintaining a network, and the use of tools to diagnose problems, monitor performance, and audit security. Offered in the spring semester when CS 360 is offered. 2 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite CS 182 or BIS 300. This is a study of concepts, theory, design techniques, and retrieval methods, particularly using the industry-standard SQL data language. Topics include physical data organization, database architecture, data models with emphasis on the relational model, logical database design, normalization, and relational query languages. A design and an implementation project are required. This course is equivalent to BIS 321. Offered in alternate fall semesters. 3 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: CS 284. This course provides students with the fundamental techniques and strategies used in the design of algorithms, including proper selection of data structures, dynamic programming, divide-and-conquer, greedy methods, and backtracking. The course also exposes students to the analysis of algorithms using methods to estimate run-time performance. The theory of NP-completeness is discussed, along with heuristic methods for constructing algorithms for "hard problems."Numerous case studies give students perspective into how algorithm problems arise in the real world. Offered in the spring semester. Credit for this course and CPE 450 is not permissible. Offered in alternate spring semesters. 3 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: junior standing, and CS 182 or BIS 300 or CPE 305, or permission of the instructor. This course is a survey of artificial intelligence (AI) including fundamental ideas, techniques, and applications, especially expert systems. One of the two major AI languages, LISP and PROLOG, is used, both for programming and for demonstrating programs and examples. Students must complete a project or a report that may combine an aspect of artificial intelligence with their major area (for example, expert systems in financial planning or vision systems in robotics). Offered in alternate years. 3 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: CS 351 or some experience in the C language. Object-oriented programming is a new and important paradigm in programming. The course explores the powerful technique of objectoriented programming, using C++ as a supporting language, and compares C++ with other object-oriented languages including Eiffel and Smalltalk. Problems considered for solution come from a wide range of areas including application systems, databases, and artificial intelligence applications. Offered in alternate fall semesters. 3 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: CS 284 and junior standing or permission of the instructor. Topics offered depend upon student interest as well as particular interests of instructors. The course is offered as often as faculty time and student interest permit and may be repeated for credit if the topic differs. 1-3 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: CPE 310 or CPE 330; CS 284 or CPE 355; or permission of the instructor. This course is an examination of the organization and architecture of computer operating systems including the major concepts and the major systems programs associated with operating systems. Offered in the fall semester. 3 cr.
2.00 Credits
Corequisite: CS 411. Students will gain experience performing standard system administrative tasks, such as installing system and applications software, installing new hardware, managing user accounts, backing up and restoring files systems, boot-up and shutdown, monitoring performance, and writing utility scripts at to automate procedures. Offered in the fall semester. 2 cr.
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