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3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: COMM 251. This course will focus on advanced TV news reporting with instruction and practice in reporting, writing, and producing in-depth broadcast news stories. Emphasizes investigative techniques, interviewing, writing for broadcast news, photography, voice-overs, and on-the-air talent techniques for production. 3 cr. Equipment Fee $100.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Two courses in English writing with grades of "C" or better. This course willintroduce you to the craft of sportswriting. Beginning with a discussion of how to approach writing in general, the course focuses principally on analyzing models of successful sportswriting and developing your skills in producing your own sportswriting. You will be expected to read copiously and critically and to write (and revise) several short assignments as well as one research-based project. 3 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisites: COMM 241 and COMM 251 or permission by department chair. This course provides students with professional radio reporting opportunities. It focuses on radio news reporting with instruction and real-life applications in developing, researching, writing, and producing broadcast news stories to be aired on National Public Radio station WAMC. Students receive on-the-air talent techniques and one-on-one coaching for professional voice-over productions. Story ideas are assigned by the instructor, the WAMC news director and news producers, and the student must also generate his/her own ideas. 3 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Junior standing and two courses in English writing with grades of "C"or better. Topics offered depend upon student interests as well as particular interests of instructors. This course may be repeated for credit if topic differs. 1-3 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: junior standing. Two courses in English writing with grades of "C" or better.See "Internships," on p. 33. 1-3 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: Graduating seniors only or permission of instructor. Designed primarily for Communication majors, this course is dedicated to intensive guided research of current topics in communication studies. Students explore various areas of communications and integrate these areas into a cohesive whole. 3 cr.
4.00 Credits
This is an introductory course that gives students the ability to analyze and design digital circuits. Students become knowledgeable about the number systems used in computers and digital circuits. They learn to simplify Boolean algebraic expressions that describe circuit behavior. Students learn to design combinational and sequential circuits using basic gates and flipflops, as well as larger functional. units such as decoders, counters, and multiplexers. Students are introduced to the hardware description language VHDL, and learn to describe simple circuits with that language. Laboratory work includes designing, building, and testing combinational and sequential circuits using available parts. Students will also use VHDL to program programmable logic devices. The methods for assessing student learning in the course are quizzes, tests, and lab reports. Three class hours, two lab hours. 4 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: CPE 271, ENGR 105 or equivalent or permission of instructor. This is an introductory course in the design and understanding of firmware for real-time embedded systems. After completing this course, students understand the issues involved with partitioning and managing a computation that has real-time performance constraints. Students are introduced to modeling the behavior of a system using UML. Approaches to the design of software architecture of embedded systems is presented. Students design an appropriate real-time clock scheduling mechanism and use it for task management that allows control of external devices and interpretation of data from external sensors. Students learn to use C++ for designing realtime device drivers that interface to a variety of hardware subsystems. This includes keypads, LCD displays, Analog to Digital Converters (ADC), networked (I2C and SPI) sensors as well as Stepper motors. Students learn to debug a real-time system through a semester long design project. 3 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: CPE 271, any programming language. This is an introductory course in low-level computer programming. Students learn skills in writing programs using the fundamental operations that electronic circuits on a processor can perform. IBM PC's and clones are used as example machines for running and testing programs. Students learn assembly language instructions, different addressing modes, and their use in different situations. They use basic programming constructs such as branching and loop control . Students learn to test and debug programs. The methods of assessing student learning in this course are programming assignments, quizzes, and tests. Two class hours, two lab hours. 3 cr.
3.00 Credits
Prerequisite: CS majors, and junior standing. This is an introductory course in processor organization and assembly language programming. Students learn enough basics of digital circuits to understand how a processor functions, and how numbers are represented inside a computer. They then learn how to program this processor in assembly language. Addressing modes, branching, and loop control are included. Students also learn how to test and debug assembly language programs by doing several programming assignments. Students will learn the functions of the assembler, linker, and loader programs. The primary methods of assessing student learning in this course are programming assignments and exams. This course may not be taken for credit by electrical engineering majors. 3 cr.
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