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  • 3.00 Credits

    (Writing-intensive course; Same as english 205f) This course offers practice in the fundamentals of dramatic structure and technique. Weekly reading assignments will examine the unique nature of writing for the theatre, nuts and bolts of format, tools of the cra?, and the playwright's process from formulatinga dramatic idea to rewriting. Weekly writing assignments will include scenework, adaptation, and journaling. The course will culminate in the writing of a oneact play. each class meeting will incorporate reading student work aloud with feedback from the instructor and the class. Students will listen, critique, and develop the vocabulary to discuss plays, structure, story, and content. Does not meet a distribution requirement E. Courtney Prereq. an English writing course, one course in theatre arts, or permission of instructor; 4 credits
  • 8.00 Credits

    This course focuses upon interpretative approaches to performance pieces (texts, scores, improvisations, etc.) and how they may be realized and animated through characterization, composition, movement, rhythm, and style. Meets Humanities I-A requirement Prereq. 8 credits in department includingTheatre Arts 105 or 205 or permission of instructor; $10 lab fee; 4 credits
  • 4.00 Credits

    Does not meet a distribution requirement The department Prereq. permission of instructor and the department; 1 to 4 credits
  • 8.00 Credits

    Continuing the study of acting and directing through exercises, improvisations, and the rehearsal and presentation of scenes from dramatic literature. Directors cast performance projects from within the class, and actors have the opportunity to direct their own work. Meets Humanities I-A requirement R. Babb Prereq. 8 credits in department including either Theatre Arts 205 for actors, and 285 for directors or permission of instructor.; $10 lab fee; 4 credits
  • 8.00 Credits

    (Same as english 332) Classics of modern european and American drama from the late nineteenth century to the present. Readings include plays by Ibsen, Strindberg, Chekhov, Shaw,Wilde, O'neill,Williams, Stoppard.We will also look at one or two musicals. Meets Humanities I-A requirement J. Lemly Prereq. jr, sr, 8 credits in English or theatre arts, or permission of instructor; meets theatre arts department seminar requirement ( Theatre Arts 350); 4 credits
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course includes methods for choosing, fitting, evaluating, and comparing statistical models; introduces statistical inference; and analyzes data sets taken from research projects in the natural, physical, and social sciences. Meets Science and Math II-A requirement J. Gifford Prereq. Mathematics 211 or any statistics course; 4 credits
  • 3.00 Credits

    Mathematical concepts from linear algebra and n-dimensional Euclidean geometry, together with statistical concepts of estimation and hypothesis testing, are developed and used to construct a unifying theory for two classes of applied methods: analysis of variance and regression analysis. The theory is developed in three stages: least squares and orthogonal projections; moment assumptions and the Gauss-Markov theorem; and the normal distribution and F-tests. Meets Science and Math II-A requirement The department Prereq. Mathematics 211; offered alternate years, next offered spring 2010.; 4 credits
  • 3.00 Credits

    (Same as Mathematics 342f) This course develops the ideas of probability simultaneously from experimental and theoretical perspectives. The laboratory provides a range of experiences that enhance and sharpen the theoretical approach and, moreover, allows us to observe regularities in complex phenomena and to conjecture theorems. Topics include: introductory experiments; axiomatic probability; random variables, expectation, and variance; discrete distributions; continuous distributions; stochastic processes; functions of random variables; estimation and hypothesis testing. Meets Science and Math II-A requirement The department Prereq. Mathematics 203; offered alternate years at Mount Holyoke and Smith Colleges; offered at Mount Holyoke in fall 2009; 4 credits
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course is an introduction to the mathematical theory of statistics and to the application of that theory to the real world. Topics include probability, random variables, special distributions, introduction to estimation of parameters, and hypothesis testing. Meets Science and Math II-A requirement The department Prereq. Mathematics 202 and 342 recommended; offered every spring semester alternately at Mount Holyoke and Smith Colleges; offered at Mount Holyoke in spring 2010.; 4 credits
  • 3.00 Credits

    Topic for Spring 2009: to be announced Meets Science and Math II-A requirement R. Horowitz Prereq. Math 211 or permission of instructor; offered alternate years; next offered in the spring 2011; 4 credits
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