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3.00 Credits
This course is designed for second year Computer Information Systems students. It examines operating systems from an application programmer's viewpoint. It shows why operating systems are needed and how they are used to increase operating efficiency while minimizing the need for technical programming. Standard functions of commonly used operating systems are examined. Prerequisites: Beginning Windows (CTIM101) or higher and Beginning Word (CTIM102) or higher and Beginning Excel (CTIM103) or higher or Departmental Approval
4.00 Credits
The student continues to develop speed and accuracy in formatting various types of business documents through word processing software. Improvement in keyboarding skill is an integral part of the course. Students will use decision- making skills to evaluate document formats and mailability. Applying written communication skills and demonstrating quality and efficiency in document production are emphasized. Lecture: 3 hours Laboratory: 2 hours Prerequisite: Grade of "C-" or better in Computer Keyboarding (CTIM260) or Departmental Approval
3.00 Credits
This course is an introductory course in basic computer orientation to hardware and implementation of software applications in Telecommunications. Students will use various software packages to create documents, spreadsheets, graphs, databases and presentations. The student will utilize this knowledge to solve problems and transfer information via electronic medium. Lectures, interactive learning and demonstrations will be employed. Laboratory exercises and presentations will be required. Corequisite: Telecommunications Technical Mathematics I (MATH143)
1.00 Credits
This course provides basic training in desktop publishing software used to produce documents such as reports, brochures, newsletters, signs, and flyers. Students learn the commands to set up a document, draw lines and shapes, import pictures, and print camera-ready copy.
3.00 Credits
Database software is used to show how data can be logically organized and retrieved for information purposes, overcoming the problem of data redundancy and program dependency on data. The student will do a series of exercises to create, store, sort, and retrieve data. Maintenance will be done against database files to make additions, deletions, and changes. Lecture: 2 hours Laboratory: 2 hours Prerequisites: Beginning Windows (CTIM101) or higher and Beginning Excel (CTIM103) or higher or Departmental Approval
1.00 Credits
This course examines paper and non-paper records from creation to destruction. The growth of computer-assisted retrieval of records and information and the use of media and imaging technology for both active records systems and information technologies for records processing and control are also included.
3.00 Credits
This course provides an overview of the broad area of business data communications. The fundamental concepts of communications in the computer and telecommunications field are covered. Specific equipment and hardware, such as multiplexers, concentrators, and front-end processors are studied. Various types of transmission will be discussed such as modulation, duplex transmission, and errors. Basic network concepts like topologies, architecture, protocols, and media are discussed in detail. Prerequisites: Beginning Windows (CTIM101) or higher and Beginning Word (CTIM102) or higher and Beginning Excel (CTIM103) or higher; or Departmental Approval
3.00 Credits
This is a language-independent, introductory course dealing with the logical design and development of computer software. Modern methods of analysis, design, and development of computer programs are studied through the use of such tools as flowcharts and pseudocode. Emphasis is on the identification and solution of problems rather than the design of computer programs in any specific language. Covered topics include the steps in the logical development of a program, structured programming logic, definition of various data structures, transaction processing, updating, detail reports, control-break reports and inquiry processing. Also covered are common programming structures such as looping, recursion, if/then statements and construction of algorithms.
4.00 Credits
Students learn the use of sophisticated word processing software features in formatting various types of business documents. Emphasis is placed on adapting software for particular jobs and industries. Generating complex documents such as newsletters, unarranged tables, and forms will be included. Students also learn how to adapt and customize software applications to maximize productivity. Lecture: 3 hours Laboratory: 2 hours Prerequisite: Grade of "C-" or better in Document Formatting (CTIM262) or Departmental Approval
3.00 Credits
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