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3.00 Credits
Students integrate prior course work and personal experiences into a master's project. Students develop a full final proposal, including abstract, statement of work, schedule, milestones, deliverables as learned in EE-708. Proposal must be delivered to class and approval of project advisor required. Regular progress reports required. Final presentation will be live over the Internet. Offered during spring semester. Prerequisite: EE-708.
3.00 Credits
Basic electrical concepts and laboratory techniques. Current, voltage, resistance and power. Ohm’s law, series and parallel resistive circuits. Kirchhoff’s voltage and current laws. Loading effects on meters and supplies. Capacitors and Inductors. Charging and discharging. RC and RL time constants. Introduction to AC. Sinusional waveforms, phasors and use of the J operator. Reactance and admittance. Average values and RMS. Laboratory emphasis is on the proper use of standard meters, testing equipment and circuit breadboarding. Corequisite: MA-114.
3.00 Credits
Applications of Kirchhoff laws to multiple source and complex series-parallel circuits. Determinants and matrices. Mesh and nodal analysis. Network Theorems: Thevenin, Norton, superposition, maximum power transfer. Review of complex number manipulation. Application to capacitive and inductive circuits, impedance. Complex Mesh analysis. Network theorems applied to complex RLC networks. Frequency response of RL and RC circuits. Plotting frequency response. Bode plots. Laboratory emphasis on the use of standard test equipment to verify theory. Prerequisites: EL-100 and MA-114.
4.00 Credits
Principles and characteristics of semiconductor devices. Devices covered include diodes, Zener diodes, bipolar junction transistors, field-effect transistors, and operational amplifiers. Includes bias networks, operating points, maximum output and optimum bias, and DC and AC load lines. Input and output impedances, and voltage and current gains for each amplifier configuration. Prerequisite: EL-100 or EE-159.
3.00 Credits
Number systems, including binary, octal and hexadecimal bases. Binary arithmetic. Boolean algebra, Karnaugh map simplification. Design of combinational circuits. Decoders, multiplexers, flip-flops and other multi-vibrator circuits. Logic families including TTL, CMOS, ECL and others. Memory, shift registers and counters. Prerequisite: EL-100.
3.00 Credits
Study of transmissions lines: characteristic impedance, propagation constant, standing wave ratio and reflection coefficient. Transmission line response to transients. Bounce diagrams. Lossless and lossy line analysis using classical approach as well as graphical approach (Smith Chart). Voltage and power calculations on transmission lines. Matching techniques for transmission lines and discrete circuits. Measurements using slotted lines. Prerequisite: EE-159 or EL-150. Offered spring semester only.
3.00 Credits
Covers the basic methods of circuit construction and troubleshooting, including IC fabrication, wire wrapping, soldering, etching and chassis layout. Identification and removal of components; project oriented; may be used as a technical elective. Prerequisite: EL-100.
4.00 Credits
Amplifier theory. Analysis of circuits in small signal operation, equivalent circuit models, frequency response and Bode plots. Cascaded stages with direct, capacitor and transformer coupling of amplifier stages, loads and signal sources. Analysis of power transfer, efficiency, thermal effects, and distortion of amplifier circuits in large signal operation, amplifier operating classes and push-pull amplifier circuits. Operational Amplifier applications. Regulators. Oscillators: Wein Bridge, RC phase shift, Hartley, Colpitts, Clapp, Negative resistance and crystal types. Prerequisites: EE-159 or EL-150 and EL-200.
3.00 Credits
Open and closed loop control systems compared with examples. Conditions, which determine a robot. Permanent magnet, brushless, series and shunt motors. Stepper motors. Reversing circuits and speed control techniques. Gear trains and effect on speed, acceleration and torque. Robot power supplies, robot arm and gripper, degrees of freedom and work envelope. Frequency response of control system components. Introduction to Power electronics. Transducers used in robotics. Prerequisites: EL-150 and EL-200.
3.00 Credits
Fundamental concepts in communications. Amplitude and frequency modulation. Waveform and waveform analysis. Spectral content of signal. Circuits used to generate signal. Signal recovery circuits. Introduction to digital modulation and digital waveforms. Students build and test circuits. Prerequisites: EE-159 or EL-150 and EL-200. Corequisite: MA-261. Offered during spring semester only.
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