Course Criteria

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  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    (formerly ECO 296) In-depth study of topics not included in the regular curriculum cycle. Title of the course will be announced prior to the term offered. Prerequisite: Junior or Senior Status, approval of Director of Undergraduate Programs in Business. This course may be repeated for credit. 1-3 credits
  • 1.00 - 3.00 Credits

    Independent study in an area approved by the Chairperson for students with a minimum index of 3.0. The student works under the guidance of a member of the Business Management Faculty. (Offered upon request) 1-3 credits
  • 3.00 Credits

    The course will involve micro-teaching, peer coaching and the study of the techniques and strategies for teaching science skills. The instructor will incorporate varied modalities, respective of the goals of this program, for the purpose of accomplishing teacher candidates' competencies in the implementation of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills. Content includes an integration of teacher candidates' capacities to teach literacy in science, literacy response, writing, critical thinking and expression according to the New York State Standards. Prerequisite: EDU 329. Fee-$30.00. 3 credits
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will consist of an examination of the specialized curriculum goals, instructional strategies, instructional technology and materials for the teaching of secondary mathematics. It will focus on methods for making the discipline meaningful to students by promoting an active learning process. The teacher candidates will learn to develop learning experiences and conduct assessment reflecting the processes of growth and development of the adolescent. Literacy, to include reading and writing in the content area, and information retrieval topics will be infused into the coursework. The literacy education will include the teaching of literacy skills of listening, speaking, reading and writing to native English speakers and students who are English learners at the middle school and adolescence level, including methods of reading enrichment and remediation. Attention is given to planning and teaching learning tasks and activities for students who are culturally diverse, those with limited English proficiency and those with special needs. New York State's Learning Standards For Mathematics, Science and Technology, the Intermediate and High School Core Curriculum, and NCTM'S Principles and Standards for School Mathematics will be studied in-depth. Prerequisite: EDU 329. Fee-$30.00. 3 credits
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course focuses on teaching Spanish for communicative proficiency. The goal is to assist the teacher candidates to master the strategies and resources necessary to teach the four skills: listening, speaking, reading and writing so that the students will be able to use Spanish for communication as well as develop cross-cultural skills and understanding. Remedial and enrichment techniques will be discussed. A practical and theoretical framework for foreign language acquisition at the high school level will be presented with special emphasis on technology tools and classroom management. Teacher candidates will learn to provide instruction for literacy response and expression, critical analysis and research. Prerequisite: EDU 329. Fee-$30.00. 3 credits
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course will involve micro-teaching, peer teaching, and the study of techniques and strategies deemed appropriate for accomplishing the goals of the program in achieving competencies. Through teacher generated and student-generated topics, teacher candidates will learn to provide instruction requiring critical analysis and research. The importance of teaching comprehensive social studies lessons with a view towards the interaction of political, geographic, economic, social, historical and cultural developments will be emphasized. Prerequisite: EDU 329. Fee-$30.00. 3 credits
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course involves teaching strategies that incorporate peer and micro-style instruction to Native speakers and students who are English language learners at the adolescent and middle childhood specialist levels. These instructional methods include response to, and critical analysis of, literature of various genres, research techniques with emphasis on technology tools and a practical/theoretical framework for language acquisition. Prerequisite: EDU 329. Fee-$30.00. 3 credits
  • 2.00 Credits

    Instructional strategies needed for all learners in the diverse classroom will be included with emphasis on field experiences that demonstrate teacher roles and responsibilities that link pedagogical knowledge with implementation in the diverse classroom. This course will include the use of learning modules in multiple intelligences/differentiated instruction, teaching literacy skills of listening and speaking, reading and writing to native English speakers and students who are English Language Learners. Methods of enrichment and remediation, questioning techniques, formal and informal methods of assessing students, reflective teaching practices, classroom management strategies, and lesson planning with the incorporation of New York State standards will provide opportunities for practice matching content objectives and teaching behaviors in the diverse classroom. Teacher candidates will develop skills that will include specific systematic methods and programs that may be needed for both groups and individual students in the childhood and middle school diverse classroom. Corequisite: EDU 330: Two-hour weekly field experience in a high needs setting is required as well as mandatory attendance at two one-hour supervised seminars regarding field experiences. Fee-$60.00. 3 credits
  • 2.00 Credits

    This field experience will provide all teacher candidates with a two-hour per week experience in a high needs district in the grade levels for which the candidates are being prepared to teach. Teaching experiences will be in all content and special subject areas normally taught in all certification areas. Evaluation will be by cooperating certified teachers. Observations and implementation of pedagogical knowledge in the diverse classroom will be the focus of this field experience. Two supervised one-hour seminar meetings regarding field experiences are required. Corequisite: EDU 329. (Pass/Fail) Fee-$75.00. 0 credit
  • 3.00 Credits

    The goals of these courses are to assist the teacher candidates in understanding problems, approaches and resources necessary to teach reading, reading skills, diagnosing and applying remedial and enrichment techniques in the elementary/middle grades. Teacher candidates will be presented with a practical and theoretical framework on which integrated language arts/reading instruction can be built, with special emphasis on technology tools and personal experiences to enhance language arts/reading instruction. In-depth studies will be experienced in the areas of whole language, basal readers, balanced literacy and guided reading. Through teacher-generated and student-generated topics, students will evince extended reading/writing assignments that will require research in interpersonal skills, diversified learning styles, the writing process, and child development as they relate to the reading/writing process. Prerequisite: EDU 329. Fee-$40.00 for each course. 3, 3 credits
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