Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Introduction to research, evaluation, needs assessment concepts, procedures, and analyses in leisure, youth and human services. Prerequisite(s): 430:110; junior standing. (Offered Fall and Spring)
3.00 Credits
Study of special tourism such as eco, adventure and sport tourism. Dynamics of responsible tourist travel that conserves natural environments and sustains the well-being of local people. Definitions, objectives, and profiles of programs involved in eco-tourism, sport and adventure tourism. Field trips required. Prerequisite(s): 430:070 or consent of instructor; junior standing. (Variable)
3.00 Credits
Promotes student competencies that will enable them to assist rural communities in development of a rural tourism program through an organized planning process. Field trips required. Prerequisite(s): 430:070 or consent of instructor; junior standing. (Variable)
3.00 Credits
Exploration of special events and festivals including their contribution to enhancing the quality of life for local residents and tourists. Study of when, where, why, and how such events are created, planned, and financed; why they are effective. Field trips required. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Offered Spring)
3.00 Credits
Exploration of the field of conferences, expositions, and conventions and their niche in the tourism industry. Study of organizational logistics, program development, economic impact, meeting technology, legal issues, employment opportunities, and topics of current interest related to the field. Prerequisite(s): 430:070 or consent of instructor. (Offered Fall)
2.00 Credits
Practical experience in professional leadership, requiring students to develop, implement and evaluate a peer-advising program. Provides multiple opportunities for students to be significantly involved in the work of the Division of LYHS and the LYHS profession. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of instructor. (Offered Fall and Spring)
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Programming, resource, or research project to be completed during internship. Written report and oral presentation required after the completion of internship. LYHS majors must register for 3 hours. Prerequisite(s): consent of Internship Coordinator. Corequisite(s): 430:187. (Offered Spring and Summer)
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Individual reading and literature review in an area of leisure, youth and human services. Credit to be determined at time of registration based on student's proposal. Prerequisite(s): junior standing; consent of instructor. (Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer)
8.00 - 12.00 Credits
Comprehensive practical experience in leisure, youth and human services. LYHS majors must register for 12 hours. Offered on credit/no credit basis only. Prerequisite(s): senior standing; consent of Internship Coordinator. Corequisite(s): 430:184. (Offered Spring and Summer)
2.00 Credits
Professional development forum to explore professional preparation and professional practice issues in leisure, youth and human services, with emphasis on American Humanics Program. Presented through a unique series of activities that encourage critical analysis and self-exploration. May be repeated for maximum of 4 hours. Prerequisite(s): junior standing. (Offered Fall and Spring)
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