Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
In-depth examination of current theories and practices relevant to the field of athletic training. Building on foundational theory, students will analyze and critique the clinical practices and philosophies of certified athletic trainers and/or other allied health professionals. Prerequisite(s): admitted into the Doctor of Education Rehabilitation Studies intensive study area. (Variable)
3.00 Credits
Examination of issues and problems in teaching clinical proficiencies including the roles of clinical instructors, factors affecting teaching and the learning environment, learning over time, course planning, and teaching strategies. Prerequisite(s): admission into the Doctor of Education Rehabilitation intensive study area. (Variable)
3.00 Credits
Introduction to leisure, youth and human services profession. Examination of the components of LYHS delivery systems, focusing on programs and services, facilities, populations served, and sources of funding. Field trips required. (Offered Fall and Spring)
3.00 Credits
Theories, principles, and practices of leisure, youth and human services leadership; techniques and methods of working with individuals and groups. (Offered Fall and Spring)
3.00 Credits
Overview of interaction of leisure services and the elements of diversity (e.g., race/ethnicity, gender, age, and ability/disability). (Offered Fall and Spring)
3.00 Credits
Overview of development, implementation, and evaluation of outdoor recreation programs. Examination of benefits and challenges of outdoor recreation, with focus on outdoor leadership competencies. (Offered Fall)
3.00 Credits
Principles of the youth and human services profession, including history, philosophy, missions, scope of services, activities, and trends. Special emphases on the affiliate agencies within American Humanics, Inc. umbrella. (Offered Fall and Spring)
3.00 Credits
Investigation of many roles travel and tourism play in contemporary society. Overview of the travel and tourism industry, examination of definitions of travel/tourism, and exploration of the history and development of tourism. (Offered Fall and Spring)
3.00 Credits
Core concepts of tourism and leisure services marketing including promotion, management, philosophies, planning, environment, research, consumer behavior, and market segmentation. Presents promotion as a function of management, designed as tool to help sustain the industry. (Variable)
3.00 Credits
Introduction to methods and procedures for planning, budgeting, implementing, and evaluating leisure, youth and human service programs. Prerequisite(s): 430:010; 430:020; or written consent of instructor. (Offered Fall and Spring)
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