Course Criteria
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2.00 Credits
A holistic health assessment that introduces physical assessment skills and refines therapeutic communication skills. Emphasis is on the recognition of acceptable norms for health of children, adolescents, and adults. A lab component (NUR 2971) must be taken concurrently. Pre: GPA of 2.75 or higher. BIOL 2030*, BIOL 2031*, BIOL 2032*, BIOL 2033*, CHEM 1000 or CHEM 2030, WRI 1200*; NUR 2950*^,NUR 2951*^, NUR 2960*^, and NUR 2961*^. (* must have a grade of C- or higher; ^ may be taken concurrently). Corequisite: NUR 2971.
1.00 Credits
Lab component for NUR 2970. Pre: GPA of 2.75 or higher. BIOL 2030*, BIOL 2031*, BIOL 2032*, BIOL 2033*, CHEM 1000 or CHEM 2030, WRI 1200*; NUR 2950*^,NUR 2951*^, NUR 2960*^, and NUR 2961*^. (* must have a grade of C- or higher; ^ may be taken concurrently). Corequisite: NUR 2970.
3.00 Credits
This course focuses on transitioning the non-degree seeking international student to the Nursing program at HPU. The course concentrates on health assessment including physical, emotional, and spiritual. The laboratory component incorporates subjective and objective data as it relates to the health and wellness of the individual. Pre: Permission of the instructor. Concurrent enrollment in NUR 2973 required.
1.00 Credits
This course focuses on transitioning the non-degree seeking international student to the Nursing program. The course concentrates on practicing the assessment skills that are taught on another student in the lab setting. It is expected that the student will incorporate the subjective and objective data in their write-ups. Pre: Permission of the instructor. Concurrent enrollment in NUR 2972 required.
3.00 Credits
A course that develops skills in the analysis of critical issues that affect the health care system and professional nursing practice in contemporary society. The use of political processes to respond to forces that impact the nursing profession is discussed. Pre: GPA of 2.75 or higher. NUR 3964*^, NUR 3965*^. (* must have a grade of C- or higher; ^ can be taken concurrently).
3.00 Credits
At the undergraduate level, this course is an introduction to the use of computer systems in various health care settings, as pertains to the areas of research, administration, education, and patient care. Students will be introduced to the concept of evidenced-based practice at the beginning level. Pre: NUR 3962, NUR 3963. Junior or above or graduate standing. Access to computer, Internet, e-mail, software for word processing, Power Point, and spreadsheets.
3.00 Credits
A course that facilitates the transition to baccalaureate level nursing practice by introducing the concepts and processes inherent in professional nursing. Topics addressed includes legal and ethical concerns, utilization of scarce resources, and the political process to effect change. (May substitute for NUR 3050.) Pre: Current Licensure as a Registered Nurse. WRI 1200 (must have a grade of C- or higher).
2.00 Credits
A course that facilitates the transition to baccalaureate level nursing practice by reviewing and updating physical, mental, and spiritual assessment skills. It also updates therapeutic communication, history-taking and documentation skills. A lab component must be taken concurrently. Pre: Current Licensure as a Registered Nurse. WRI 1200 (must have a grade of C- or higher). Corequisite: NUR 3371.
1.00 Credits
Lab component for NUR 3370. Pre: Current Licensure as a Registered Nurse. WRI 1200 (must have a grade of C- or higher). Corequisite: NUR 3370.
3.00 Credits
A course that provides practical assistance to the future nurse manager in the development of effective leadership and management skills in order to assure the best possible environment for the provision of high-quality care. Pre: GPA of 2.75 or higher. ECON 1000 or ECON 2010 or ECON 2015, NUR 3964*^, NUR 3965*^, NUR 3970*^, and NUR 3971*^. (* must have a grade of C- or better; ^ can be taken concurrently)
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