Course Criteria
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1.00 - 3.00 Credits
MSMS students do research towards their thesis under the supervision of a research mentor, contributing to the initial research proposal or to the masters thesis. Variable credits. Pre: Enrollment in Marine Science Graduate Program and permission of instructor.
2.00 Credits
This course is designed to facilitate the student's understanding of the professional nurse's behavior and role as influenced and/or governed by individual, societal and cultural values; professional ethical codes; and state and federal laws and regulations. The course examines current issues impacting the practice of professional nursing and develops beginning fluency in medical terminology. Ethical, leadership, and political knowledge and skills are introduced as critical issues affecting health care systems and professional nursing practice in contemporary society. Pre: WRI 1200.
3.00 Credits
Cognitive, emotional, and social aspects of human development from infancy to death. Content includes major theoretical approaches and factors influencing the developmental process, and observational experiences of children and adults at various ages and stages of development. Pre: PSY 1000 and WRI 1200*. (*must have a grade of C- or higher).
3.00 Credits
A course that emphasizes the alterations of processes that affect the body's dynamic integration as interpreted by cultural health beliefs and values, and uses a conceptual approach based on Gordon's Functional Health Patterns. Pre: GPA of 2.75 of higher. NUR 2300*, NUR 2301*, NUR 2950*, NUR 2951*, NUR 2960*, NUR 2961*, NUR 2970*, and NUR 2971*. (* must have a grade of C- or higher).
2.00 Credits
An introduction to the principles of health teaching that integrates physical, psychological, spiritual, developmental, and social dimensions within a cultural and environmental context. Emphasis is placed on promoting healthy behaviors that are consistent with the client's health beliefs and practices. Students will apply health teaching and transcultural nursing theory and concepts in a community service-learning project. Pre: GPA of 2.75 or higher. NUR 2300, NUR 2301, NUR 2950*, NUR 2951*, NUR 2960*, NUR 2961*, NUR 2970*, and NUR 2971*. (* must have a grade of C- or higher).
3.00 Credits
An introduction to the concepts and processes inherent in the philosophy and conceptual framework of the Hawai'i Pacific University Nursing program, including basic clinical "hands-on" skills. The skills lab component (NUR2951) must be taken concurrently. Pre: GPA of 2.75 or higher. BIOL 2030*, BIOL 2031*, BIOL 2032*, BIOL 2033*, CHEM 1000 or CHEM 2030, and WRI 1200*. (* must have a grade of C- or higher). Corequisite: NUR 2951.
2.00 Credits
Lab component for NUR 2950. Pre: GPA of 2.75 or higher. BIOL 2030*, BIOL 2031*, BIOL 2032*, BIOL 2033*, CHEM 1000 or CHEM 2030, and WRI 1200*. (* must have a grade of C- or higher). Corequisite: NUR 2950.
1.00 Credits
An introduction to the therapeutic communication techniques integral to the relationship between the client and nurse. Included are basic communication theory, the role of self in communication, and group process. A lab component (NUR 2961) must be taken concurrently. Pre: GPA of 2.75 or higher. BIOL 2030*, BIOL 2031*, BIOL 2032*, BIOL 2033*, CHEM 1000 or CHEM 2030, and WRI 1200*. (* must have a grade of C- or higher). Corequisite: NUR 2961.
1.00 Credits
This course is designed as the applied and experiential component for learning communication skills and is complementary to the theoretical and conceptual material presented in NUR 2960. The student is guided through the application of basic communication principles to specific nursing and health care related situations during a threehour on-campus lab and in selected hospital settings for those concurrently enrolled in NUR 2951. Pre: GPA of 2.75 or higher. BIOL 2030*, BIOL 2031*, BIOL 2032*, BIOL 2033*, CHEM 1000 or CHEM 2030, and WRI 1200*. (* must have a grade of C- or higher). Corequisite: NUR 2960.
5.00 Credits
This course will focus on filling the gaps in the Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurses' (LPN/LVN) educational background and experience by allowing selected students to acquire concepts deemed essential to the role of the Professional Nurse (BSN). The course will also discuss procedures and expectations specific to the School of Nursing. Pre: Cumulative GPA of 2.75 or higher. BIOL 2030*, BIOL 2031*, BIOL 2032*, BIOL 2033*, CHEM 1000 or CHEM 2050, WRI 1100*, and WRI 1200*. (* must have a grade of C- or higher). Current Hawaii State LPN License, One (1 credit) year recent acute care experience, Individual evaluation of experience/background by Course Coordinator.
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