Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
The oceans and atmosphere impact and are impacted by virtually all life on earth and our knowledge of the diversity and consequences of anthropogenic impacts on these systems is growing steadily. This course will provide a foundation of knowledge on marine biological systems and then discuss how the world oceans and surrounding environments affect and are affected by people from an economic, cultural, and political perspective. Pre: None.
3.00 Credits
MARS 2010 is a freshman level course that covers SCUBA diving skills and techniques. The course is taught within the context of using these techniques for marine biological and oceanographic field work. PADI Open Water, Advanced, Rescue Diver, Emergency First Responder and Oxygen Provider certifications are earned upon successful completion of the course. The course includes lectures and field sessions. Students are required to purchase their own mask, fins, snorkel and booties. All other SCUBA gear, transportation, pool and ocean boat dives are provided. A lab fee of $680 is required to cover the cost of these ancillary services and equipment. Pre: Consent of instructor.
4.00 Credits
A rigorous and comprehensive introduction to geological, chemical, and physical oceanography. Topics include: earth structure and composition, plate tectonics, sediments, the hydrosphere, properties of water and seawater, salinity, gases, nutrients, atmosphere circulation, heat budgets, surface ocean circulation, themohaline circulation, waves, tides, and coastal oceanography. Pre: BIOL 2052 or CHEM 2052.
2.00 Credits
Field and laboratory component of MARS 2060. Topics include: bathymetry, sediment sampling and size analysis, seawater sample collection, temperature, salinity, pH, and dissolved oxygen measurement using in-situ instruments, dissolved oxygen and plant nutrient laboratory analyses, in situ light intensity measurements, Lagrangian current measurements. Pre: BIOL 2053 or CHEM 2053; CSCI 1011; MARS 1020 (or consent of instructor); MARS 2060 (may be taken concurrently).
3.00 Credits
A comprehensive introduction to marine biology. Topics will include principles of marine science, life in the marine environment, structure and function of marine ecosystems, and human impacts on the marine environment. Pre: A grade of C or better in BIOL 2052.
1.00 Credits
Field and Laboratory component of Marine Biology 2062. This course provides experience with sampling, measurement, and data analysis techniques commonly used for field and laboratory work in marine biology. In addition, students will learn basic identifications of local marine organisms. Pre: BIOL 2053; MARS 1020; MARS 2062 (may be taken concurrently).
3.00 Credits
This course emphasizes interactions of marine organisms with the physical environment. Students will learn how marine biota influence and are in-turn influenced by the chemistry, physics, and geology of the oceans. Topics include marine microbiology, phytoplankton ecology and physiology, zooplankton ecology, biogeochemistry, and global change.. Pre: MARS 2060 or CHEM 3010 or CHEM 3030 or CHEM 3050.
3.00 Credits
Geological, geophysical, and geochemical principles applied to the oceans. Topics include: origin, structure, composition, and evolution of the earth, morphology of ocean basins and continental margins, plate tectonics, marine sedimentology and stratigraphy, sea level changes, and paleoceanography. Pre: BIOL 2052, CHEM 2052, GEOL 2000, MARS 2060, and MARS 2062.
2.00 Credits
Laboratory and field component of MARS 3060. Pre: BIOL 2053, CHEM 2053, MARS 1020, MARS 2061, MARS 2063, and MARS 3060 (may be taken concurrently).
3.00 Credits
Chemical and biological principles applied to the oceans. Topics include: the physical chemistry of seawater, salinity and the major ions, bio-limiting, bio-intermediate, and biounlimiting chemicals, dissolved gases, the DIC system, trace metals, hydrothermal processes, radiochemistry, stable isotopes, chemical transport, and chemicals as water mass tracers. Pre: BIOL 2052, CHEM 2052, MARS 2060, and MARS 2062.