Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Course will focus on the historical emergence of Christian doctrine as revealed by texts. Readings may address Jewish scriptures, Dead Sea scrolls, New Testament gospels, gnostic gospels, apocalyptic expectations, early Christian letters, martyr narratives, Greco-Roman mysteries, and historical writings up through the fall of the Roman empire. Pre: Any introductory humanities course.
3.00 Credits
Judaism, Christianity and Islam are all Abrahamic religions because their originating legends derive from the figure of Abraham, father of Ishmael and Isaac in the Bible. Consequently, they are considered religious cousins. Exploring the histories of the three traditions together allows us to see and compare founding stories, themes, and historical developments and interactions among the three. Pre: Any introductory humanities course.
3.00 Credits
Survey of the literature, history, and cultural traditions associated with Buddhism, beginning with the foundational ideology in northern India and continuing with Buddhist expressions through the rest of India, Tibet, China, Korea, Japan, and the world. Pre: Any introductory humanities course.
3.00 Credits
Course explores religious and mystical traditions of indigenous peoples primarily from Aboriginal Australian, Pacific island, mainland Native American, and African cultures. Readings focus on autobiographical and fictional accounts of traditional people at the crossroads between contemporary and traditional cultures. Pre: Any introductory humanities course.
3.00 Credits
A survey of the historical link between religion and war, from antiquity to the present, from west to east. Students will peruse literature justifying war, imagining war, and condemning war from different cultures, religions, and historical periods. Pre: Any introductory humanities course.
3.00 Credits
The course combines the discipline of independent study and tutorial in a seminar environment. Presentation of a thesis on a topic in religious studies is required. Effective research, analytical composition, and oral communication skills are used. Pre: Completion of 60 credits and advanced course work in religious studies.
3.00 Credits
A survey of important social problems confronting Americans today, their causes, and solutions. Particular attention is directed toward understanding how and why social problems are created and the controversies surrounding them. Pre: WRI 1100 or WRI 1150 and any introductory social science/political science course.
3.00 Credits
This course will introduce students to the field of scientific research with special emphasis on their roles as consumers of research in their intended majors. Pre: WRI 1200.
3.00 Credits
Peace Studies provides students with an introduction to the dynamics of conflict and peace at the personal, local, national, and international levels. The course surveys interdisciplinary research that analyzes the causes of violence, war, and peace in the contemporary world. Pre: WRI 1200.
3.00 Credits
An overview of the major methods for seeking and organizing knowledge in the social sciences. Topics include research design, ethics, selection of subjects, and presentation of results. Pre: Three courses in the social sciences and WRI 1200.
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