Course Criteria
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1.00 - 3.00 Credits
See Internships page 393.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
See Internships page 393.
3.00 Credits
A capstone course for graduate students enrolled in the MA/HRM program or MBA students with a human resources management concentration. All of the major areas in the HRM field are generally revisited. The course will be taught through a combination of lectures, in-class discussions, and experiential exercises that should assist the student in successfully completing the Human Resource Certification Institute (HRCI) examination level of Professional in Human Resources (PHR). NOTE: Successfully completing this course will not, in and of itself, guarantee passing the certification examination. Pre: PSHR 6400, PSHR 6420, PSHR 6450, PSHR 6460, and LAW 6000. Graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
A capstone course in the MA curriculum providing the student with the opportunity to integrate material mastered in various core courses. A research project leading to production of a major term paper is required. Pre: IS 6100, PSGL 6000, Law 6000, PSHR 6320, PSHR 6400, PSHR 6420, PSHR 6450, PSHR 6460, PSHR 7021, PSOC 6005, PSOC 6440, PSOC 6445, and either MS 6000 or QM 6010. Graduate Standing.
3.00 Credits
A course designed for entering graduate students. The course: acquaints students with the theories of current and historical importance; introduces or reinforces the tenets of the scientific method; introduces the faculty, and previews key concept areas being taught in the program; discusses research designs and methods appropriate in graduate programs; and introduces students to research materials, knowledge technology, communications skills, and both quantitative and qualitative methods to be used throughout the program of studies. Pre: SOC 3100 and SOC 3200.
3.00 Credits
PSOC 6440 is the foundation for all MA/OC and Professional Certificate in OCD courses. Students first learn the basic nature of human culture and organizational change. Then the practice of OCD is studied within larger holistic and comparative contexts for global and local change. Discussions and assignments are designed to assist the student in differentiating between change and adaptation. Change and development initiatives in governments, communities, and corporations are discussed. Pre: Graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
National and community-level change and development is being experienced in almost every area of our contemporary world. Resolving ethnic and religious conflicts, developing market economies for global competition, resource acquisition, technology transfer, education, and creating new approaches to governance are some of the related issues. This course presents a holistic perspective on the issues of change and development at the macro levels of government and community organization. Models for change and development are reviewed as well as their applications in various human and environmental contexts. Specifically, change and development initiatives in economic development, public health improvement projects, stakeholder reconciliation, urban and environmental planning and educational programs are reviewed and analyzed. Pre: Graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
PSOC 6442 includes discussions and assignments intended to develop a working understanding of the influence of culture in various human organizations. Culture is presented as the fundamental knowledge we use to create adaptive solutions for human problems. National, corporate, community, and group organizations are fundamental expressions of culturally influenced world views and values. Frameworks for observing, analyzing, measuring, and changing culture are presented. Approaches for reconciling conflicts among stakeholders with seemingly different culture values and models for behavior are used in simulations and case discussions. Pre: Graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
PSOC 6443 presents a globally relevant perspective for understanding the dynamics of change leadership. Issues such as power, stakeholders, and conflict are discussed via case studies. Students learn how their own world views, values, and personal behaviors can influence their effectiveness as leaders in different social and organizational contexts. Self-reflection is balanced with group and organizational understanding to analyze the appropriateness and utility of various models and methods for leading change. Pre: Graduate standing.
3.00 Credits
Innovation and creativity are critical aspects of organizational change and development in contemporary societies. This course explores the significance of innovation and creativity to the human experience. Relationships among creativity, change, and innovation are discussed within a multidisciplinary perspective. Practical methods for creating innovation in organization and group processes are illustrated via cases and simulations. Pre: Graduate standing.
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