Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
This course will examine the phenomenon of terrorism from various perspectives: historical, philosophical, theoretical, cultural and psychological. Each student will write an extensive research paper of a terrorist organization. Pre: PSCI 1400 or PSCI 2000.
3.00 Credits
An examination of the political culture, government, and politics of major Asian countries. Pre: PSCI 2000 and WRI 1200.
3.00 Credits
An analysis of the changing patterns in East Asian international relations and the factors that determine national behaviors of East Asian countries. Pre: PSCI 2000 and WRI 1200.
3.00 Credits
A course that provides students with immediate understanding and analysis of current political issues, trends, dilemmas, processes, and problems. Students read a variety of approaches to the issues that are the focus of the course, and they become conversant with terminology and philosophies that inform the solutions to topics in American politics. Pre: PSCI 1400 or PSCI 2000; and WRI 1200.
3.00 Credits
A course that focuses on the institution of the presidency in both historical and contemporary political context. Students become familiar with political behavior as well as presidential decision-making. The role of the President is examined from several perspectives that include: Commander-in-Chief, Head of State, Chief of State, Chief Legislator, Voice of the People, Manager of Prosperity. In addition, the presidency is studied in relationship to the Congress. Students also consider what the dynamics are among the White House, the Capitol, and the executive bureaucracy. Pre: PSCI 1400 or PSCI 2000; and WRI 1200.
3.00 Credits
A survey of the variety of forces that shape foreign policy for the United States. It highlights major policy problems on the agenda and addresses questions of grand strategy, regional and bilateral relations, and the ways in which domestic forces affect the content of American foreign policy. The course also examines the key institutions and actors involved in foreign policy making, a wide range of recent foreign policy decisions, and the economic and military issues confronting the United States in the early 21st century. Pre: PSCI 1400 or PSCI 2000; and WRI 1200.
3.00 Credits
This course is a survey of American constitutional law, as it has evolved over two hundred years of our nation's history, with an emphasis on that law's profound impact on American politics. As such it focuses primarily on the United States Supreme Court, which is the ultimate interpreter of the Constitution. This course also explores the relationship between the judicial branch of government and the other two branches. Pre: PSCI 1400 or PSCI 2000; and WRI 1200.
3.00 Credits
A survey of state and local government and politics. The course includes units on: constitutions and charters; executives, legislatures, and judiciaries; parties and pressure groups; elections; styles of local and state politics; urban problems and the response of state and local government thereto; and the dynamics of federalism. Pre: PSCI 1400 or PSCI 2000; and WRI 1200.
3.00 Credits
The study of the electoral process in general, particularly at the state and local levels; and analysis of past and current political races in Hawai'i. Candidates are invited to be guest speakers. This course is offered only in election years. Pre: PSCI 1400 or PSCI 2000; and WRI 1200.
3.00 Credits
A course that looks at and evaluates other cultures' views of America from various perspectives. The angles of vision include: American government, popular culture, economic system, social problems, and social movements. Students read critiques and comments from other perspectives including Asian, Latin American, and European on American culture and politics. Pre: PSCI 1400 or PSCI 2000; and WRI 1200.
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