Course Criteria
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1.00 Credits
Preparation for taking the NCLEX-RN. The process of the course is to enhance the graduate's ability to pass the NCLEX-RN on the first try. Includes test-taking and study skills as well as content information related to the NCLEX-RN. Will include an orientation to the procedures for registering for and taking the NCLEX-RN. Pre: GPA of 2.75 or higher. NUR 4950*^, NUR 4951*^, NUR 4960*^, and NUR 4961*^. (* must have grade of C- or higher; ^ can be taken concurrently).
2.00 Credits
This elective, clinical course provides focused study utilizing critical thinking and the nursing process in a selected clinical setting. This course is designed as a preceptorship: the opportunity to work one-on-one with an RN preceptor as a transition to professional nursing practice. It is an opportunity for the student nurse to learn roles and responsibilities of the registered nurse in a general or specialty setting. Learning will occur as the student practices alongside the expert nurse with a clinical faculty as a facilitator. Pre: NUR 3985, 3986, 3980, 3981, 3964, and 3965.
3.00 Credits
The definitions of advanced practice nursing (APN) roles in community environments. Theoretical content includes ethics, multicultural population-focused care, community coordination strategies and interdisciplinary collaboration, critical thinking, problem solving, creativity, and leadership. Roles of the nurse as case manager, administrator, educator, researcher, consultant, and practitioner are explored. Communication issues including assertive behavior, conflict resolution, and the dynamics of change are examined. Pre: Graduate standing in nursing.
2.00 Credits
A course on community health issues, research, and conceptual theoretical foundations that are utilized in the study of the distribution and determinants of health and disease in the community. Analysis of the factors that alter the course of disease and health problems are a major focus. Pre: Graduate standing in nursing.
3.00 Credits
The exploration in depth of pathophysiological responses involved in processes affecting the body's optimal functioning. The ability to implement diagnostic reasoning, critical thinking, and the integration of scientific concepts with psychosocial and spiritual aspects of the human condition are enhanced by the use of case studies. Human pathophysiological responses across the life span that incorporate the individual, families, and communities are surveyed. Pre: Graduate standing in nursing.
3.00 Credits
The level of health for a community is related to the organization of its health care system. This course develops the knowledge and skills required to assess needs, and to plan and write grants for the funding of programs. Forces that shape the policies and delivery of community health nursing services are analyzed. Attention is given to the nurse's role in influencing policy decisions. Pre: Graduate standing in nursing.
3.00 Credits
A broad range of quantitative and qualitative methods of inquiry explored as a means to forward nursing research. Pre: Graduate standing in nursing.
3.00 Credits
Advanced knowledge of pharmacology integrated with the needs of the community served by the practitioner. A casestudy method is utilized to support increased knowledge, development, and application. (3 credits) Pre: Graduate standing in nursing.
1.00 Credits
This course focuses on developing and refining skills of physical assessment across the lifespan. Students will be conduction hands-on assessments and integrating their physical assessment techniques with signs and symptoms of patient report, laboratory findings, and known indicators of disease and wellness. Pre: Graduate standing in nursing.
3.00 Credits
At the graduate level, the course is taught from an evidence-based model of clinical practice and research, in addition to being an introduction to the issues and computer use in patient records and clinical practice. Pre: Junior or Graduate standing. Knowledge of basic computer skills and software use. Access to a computer, Internet, email, software for word processing, Power Point, and spreadsheets.
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