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3.00 Credits
A nursing elective. The course examines widespread problems of family violence with a focus on historical background, prevention programs, and treatment. Emphasis is on health related issues. Crosslisted as SOC 3420. Pre: PSY 1000 and WRI 1200.
3.00 Credits
A nursing elective. The course examines the issues of AIDS within public health and social domains. Students explore their personal values and beliefs about AIDS, as well as develop a working body of knowledge about the disease and its effects on the individual and on societies worldwide. An emphasis on prevention and health promotion exists throughout the course. Pre: WRI 1200, one biology course, and one social science course. Open to all majors.
3.00 Credits
Dying in America is often described as a lonely, isolating, and painful experience. Explore new approaches for changing how we die in this lively seminar. Whether you are a family member of someone dying, are a caregiver, attorney, health care professional, student, or just interested, ...then this course is for you! Pre: One 3000-level social science or nursing course, WRI 1200. Cross listed as ANTH 3922.
3.00 Credits
A nursing elective. The course provides a forum for the critical exploration of alternative methods of treatment and healing body, mind, and spirit. Emphasizes the integration of alternative methods with currently accepted healing modalities. Pre: WRI 1200. Open to all majors.
3.00 Credits
A nursing elective. An interdisciplinary forum for the critical exploration of current issues related to the health and health care of men and women. The goal is for participants to become informed consumers and, if appropriate, providers of health care to women and men. Pre: WRI 1200. Open to all majors.
3.00 Credits
This course serves as an introduction to the application of the concepts and process of nursing in a transcultural and global context. Students will apply Transcultural Nursing Theory in order to study and establish transcultural rapport and communication with a selected population. Pre: NUR 2950, NUR 2951, NUR 2970 and NUR 2971. Permission of course coordinator.
3.00 Credits
The study of transcultural nursing as a formal area of practice. Content includes theoretical perspectives, concepts and practices as well as different beliefs and health practices within Hawaii. The goal is to improve health outcomes and the quality of health care to diverse cultures through the development of cultural competency. Pre: WRI 1200. Open to all majors.
3.00 Credits
A study of transcultural nursing theory and culture care models that have been developed internationally. The purpose of this course is to learn how transcultural nursing theory can be used with a variety of models to provide culturally competent nursing care to a diverse clientele. Pre: NUR 2950 and NUR 2951 or permission.
2.00 Credits
Presents mental, physical, and emotional health as related to normal aging and lifestyle decisions throughout adulthood. It considers the adult in the family context, emphasizing principles of healthy aging. A clinical component (NUR 3953) must be taken concurrently. Pre: GPA of 2.75 or higher. BIOL 3040, CHEM 2030, NUR 2100*^, NUR 2200*^, NUR 2300*, NUR 2301*, NUR 2930*^, NUR 2940*^, NUR 2950*, NUR 2951*, NUR 2960*, NUR 2961*, NUR 2970*, and NUR 2971*. (* must have a grade of C- or higher; ^ can be taken concurrently). Corequisite: NUR 3953.
1.00 Credits
Clinical component for NUR 3952. Pre: GPA of 2.75 or higher. BIOL 3040, CHEM 2030, NUR 2100^, NUR 2930^, NUR 2940^, NUR 2950, NUR 2951, NUR 2960, NUR 2961, NUR 2970, and NUR 2971. (^ can be taken concurrently). Corequisite: NUR 3952.
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