Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisite: SOCI 1101 A theoretical and empirical analysis of selected major social problems confronting American society. The history and development of current social problems and possible future solutions are considered. Among the social problems studied are crime and delinquency, poverty, mental illness, family disorganization and social change. Attention is given to social attitudes and values.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3 Prerequisite: Satisfactory placement scores/READ 0099 and ENGL 0099; SOCI 1101 or permission of instructor An interdisciplinary survey of research, last rites and customs from various cultures concerning end-of-life issues. Topics covered include but are not limited to: the dying patient, medical directives, hospice, euthanasia, grief, widowhood, life after death and spirituality. Experiential learning techniques (labs, field projects, etc.) will be used along with the lecture. Emphasis will be place on social issues, practical problems and personal and professional strategies for dealing with these issues.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisites: Satisfactory placement scores/READ 0099 and ENGL 0099 An introduction to the structure, processes, problems and adjustments of contemporary marriage and family life. Field experience exercises will comprise part of the course.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisites: READ 0099 and ENGL 0099 A survey of the discipline of sociology. Topics will include sociological theory, methods and selected substantive areas.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisites: READ 0099 and ENGL 0099/satisfactory placement scores This course is a survey of the human service system, its history, methods and the services that are currently available. Careers in human services and the values and ethics of human service work are also emphasized.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisite: SOCI 1101 A theoretical and empirical analysis of selected major social problems confronting American society. The history and development of current social problems and possible future solutions are considered. Among the social problems studied are crime and delinquency, poverty, mental illness, family disorganization and social change. Attention is given to social attitudes and values.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3 Prerequisite: Satisfactory placement scores/READ 0099 and ENGL 0099; SOCI 1101 or permission of instructor An interdisciplinary survey of research, last rites and customs from various cultures concerning end-of-life issues. Topics covered include but are not limited to: the dying patient, medical directives, hospice, euthanasia, grief, widowhood, life after death and spirituality. Experiential learning techniques (labs, field projects, etc.) will be used along with the lecture. Emphasis will be place on social issues, practical problems and personal and professional strategies for dealing with these issues.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisites: Satisfactory placement scores/READ 0099 and ENGL 0099 An introduction to the structure, processes, problems and adjustments of contemporary marriage and family life. Field experience exercises will comprise part of the course.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisite: none Introduction to listening, speaking, reading and writing in Spanish and the culture of Spanish-speaking regions. Note: This course does not carry credit toward graduation at Georgia Highlands College; it serves only as a prerequisite to SPAN 1002. The same may be true at some other University System institutions. In some instances the course will carry credit hours if it is a second foreign language.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisites: Spanish 1001 and 1002 or satisfactory placement scores or permission of instructor This course offers a rapid review of grammar with continued use of listening, speaking, reading and writing skills with cultural emphasis in relation to a variety of texts.
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