Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisite: PSYC 1101 An introduction to application of psychological principles to daily life and work. The relationship between humans and their various environments, interpersonal communications, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and other topics are covered.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisites: ENGL 1101 or 1103; PSYC 1101 A comprehensive study of the major theories of personality and their possible therapeutic applications. The theories of Adler, Erikson, Freud, Jung, Maslow, Rogers, Skinner and others are covered.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisites: MATH 0097 or satisfactory placement scores; PSYC 1101 This course centers on the techniques and principles of behavior change based on learning theory. To demonstrate the ability to apply behavior change principles students are required to design and conduct a self-behavior-change project.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3 Prerequisites: Satisfactory placement scores/READ 0099 and ENGL 0099; PSYC 1101 or permission of instructor An interdisciplinary survey of research, last rites and customs from various cultures concerning end-of-life issues. Topics covered include but are not limited to: the dying patient, medical directives, hospice, euthanasia, grief, widowhood, life after death and spirituality. Experiential learning techniques (labs, field projects, etc.) will be used along with the lecture. Emphasis will be placed on social issues, practical problems and personal and professional strategies for dealing with these issues.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisites: PSYC 1101 and one additional three-hour psychology course or consent of instructor This course is an introduction to behavior and mental disorders. The emphasis of the course is on the emotional and behavioral characteristic the major categories of abnormal behavior with some attention to current treatment methods.
3.00 Credits
0-2-1/0-6-3. Prerequisites: PSYC 1101; one additional psychology course; permission of the instructor and the chair of social & cultural studies division This course consists of individual or independent work under supervision of a member of the faculty with whom specific arrangements have been made (directed reading, research, laboratory or field observation projects). The transferability of credit in this course will depend on the evaluation of the receiving institution. This course may be repeated for credit for an accumulated total of 3 hours.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisites: Satisfactory placement scores/READ 0099 and ENGL 0099 A broad survey of the major topics in psychology including but not limited to research methodology, biological and social factors influencing behavior, development, learning, memory, personality and abnormal behavior/therapy.
3.00 Credits
3-3-4. Prerequisites: Satisfactory placement scores/READ 0099 and ENGL 0099 This is an introduction to the techniques of effective interpersonal relationships, interviewing, and a problem-solving approach to helping. Structure of interviews and management of difficult situations are included. Laboratory experiences include role-playing exercises with video tape and critique
3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisites: Satisfactory placement scores/READ 0099 and ENGL 0099 This course examines human development across the lifespan from conception to death with an emphasis on normal patterns of physical, cognitive, social and emotional changes. Structured field experiences promote student competency in observation, interpretation and understanding of behavior.
3.00 Credits
3-0-3. Prerequisite: PSYC 1101 An introduction to application of psychological principles to daily life and work. The relationship between humans and their various environments, interpersonal communications, critical thinking, problem solving, decision making and other topics are covered.
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