Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
3 Credits 3 Class Hours Designed to assist the establishment of a classroom environment that promotes order, readiness for learning, and other techniques that create an atmosphere in the classroom conducive to learning.
2.00 Credits
2 Credits 2 Class Hours Designed to assist the classroom teacher with planning, teaching, promoting, andassessinghealthyphysical activities for elementary school students
3.00 Credits
SOCIETY3 Credits 15 Field Experience Hours 3 Class Hours The historical, philosophical and social foundations that have a direct impact on educational theory and practice. The role that contemporary education and the schools play in the shaping of society. The role of the school in providing active learning opportunities for a diverse sociocultural community, special learning needs and individual variations is explored. Field-based experience required.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
3 Credits 15 Field Experience Hours 3 Class Hours Prerequisite: PSY301 This course is designed to present the prospective teacher wwith the methodologies, instructional techniques and materials used to develop language arts skills in elementary school children grades 1 -3. Special emphasis is given to the teaching of reading and writing and the development of thinking skills. Candidates engage in observation and participation in the teaching/learning process of reading, writing, listening and speaking in a variety of learning situations that address student needs and abilities. Through active participation with a master teacher, candidates prepare reading/writing lessons for individual students, small groups and whole class instruction. Field-based experience required.
4.00 - 6.00 Credits
3 Credits 15 Field Experience Hours 3 Class Hours Prerequisite: PSY301 This course is designed to present the prospective teacher with the methodologies, instructional techniques andmateri-als used to develop language arts skills in elementary school children grades 4-6. Special emphasis is given to the teaching of reading and writing and the development of thinking skills. Students engage in observation and participation in the teaching/learning process of reading, writing, listening and speaking in a variety of learning situations in grades 4 through 6 that address student needs and abilities. Through active participation with a master teacher, candidates partake in the preparation of reading/writing lessons and assessment techniques. Field-based experience required.
3.00 Credits
STUDIES3 Credits 15 Field Experience Hours 3 Class Hours Prerequisite: PSY301 Methods and materials relevant to the teaching of social studies in the elementary school. Study of the current theories and research that influence the learning and exploration of children in their growing social world. The relationship of the social sciences to multicultural education, bilingualism, career opportunities and the acceptance of differences in the individual and society are explored. Field-based experience required.
3.00 Credits
SCIENCE3 Credits 15 Field Experience Hours 3 Class Hours Prerequisite: PSY 301, SCI 131, 211 Examination of the purposes, content, experiences, methods and materials of science activities appropriate for elementary school pupils. A variety of classroom and laboratory strategies for planning and teaching science from first to sixth grade. Emphasis is on the development of teacher skills required to construct activities and investigations that will motivate children to appreciate science. The needs of bilingual and learning handicapped children are addressed in the study of diverse methods of instruction in science. Field-based experience required.
3.00 Credits
MATHEMATICS3 Credits 15 Field Experience Hours 3 Class Hours Prerequisite: PSY 301, MAT 111, 123 The current methods and materials relevant to teaching mathematics in the elementary school. The use of problem-solving approaches to study and understand mathematical content. Attention will be given to the use of teacher prepared and commonly used standardized tests to assess children's needs in mathematics. Special attention to methodology for teaching mathematics to bilingual and learning disabled children. Field-based experience required.
2.00 Credits
TECHNOLOGY2 Credits 2 Class Hours Prerequisite: PSY 301, SCI 141 The use of the microcomputer as a resource for the classroom teacher. Planning and management for computer instruction in the classroom. Selection and evaluation of computer hardware and software.
3.00 Credits
3 Credits 3 Class Hours Methods and materials for integrating art into the elementary classroom that incorporates the learning standards established by the New York State Education Department. Hands-on experience in creating art; preparing and developing lesson plans; locating materials, resource guides, web sites, field trip information and related children's literature.
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