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  • 3.00 Credits

    (Prerequisites: CUL 100, 110, and 112) Emphasizes menu planning for all types of facilities, services, and special diets. Topics include: menu selection, menu development and pricing, nutrition, special diets, cooking nutritional foods and organics. Laboratory demonstrations and student management and supervision parallel class work.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Emphasizes all modern cuisine and introduces management concepts necessary to the functioning of a commercial kitchen. Topics include: international cuisine, cuisine trends, kitchen organization, kitchen management, kitchen supervision, competition entry, and nutrition. Laboratory demonstration and student experimentation parallel class work.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Provides the student with the opportunity to gain management/supervision experience in an actual job setting. Students will be placed in an appropriate restaurant, catering, or other food service business for four days per week throughout the quarter. On-the-job training topics include: restaurant management/on-off premise catering/food service business, supervisory training, and management training, on-off premise catering, hotel kitchen organization, kitchen management, restaurant kitchen systems, institutional food systems, kitchen departmental responsibility, and kitchen productivity.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Emphasizes supervision and management concepts, knowledge, and skills necessary to restaurants serving contemporary cuisine. Topics include: menu selection, layout and design, on/off premise catering, entrepreneurship, small business management, and nutrition. Laboratory demonstrations and student experimentation parallel class work.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Continuation of Fundamentals of Medical Physics with stress placed on the physics of medicine. The student is introduced to the theory of physics found in cardiovascular science. Performance of laboratory procedures is used to reinforce understanding of biomedical applications of physics and proper techniques in safety.
  • 4.00 Credits

    (Prerequisite: Program Admission. Corequisite: AHS 104, CVT 110, CVT 111, VAS 110 ) Introduces the concepts essential in the performance and interpretation of 12 lead EKG and heart sounds. As a study of the anatomy, physiology, structural relationships, and the pathophysiology of the human heart and vascular system, the course concentrates on specialized terminology, cardiac and vascular anatomy, and electrophysiology. Topics include: heart anatomy, circulatory system, heart electrical system, heart layers, physical heart defects, electrocardiograph, preparation for various electrocardiographic and sonographic examinations, and physical principles and pathophysiology of heart sounds. Laboratory experiences will be provided.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Prerequisite: AHS 104, CVT 103, CVT 111, CVT 110, VAS 110. Invasive Track [Cardiac Catherization] Corequisites: - CVT 102, CVT 108, CVT 109, ECH 155; Vascular Track Corequisites: DMS 133, DMS 136, ECH 155, VAS 141; Echocardiology Track Corequisites: CVT 108, CVT 109, DMS 136, ECH 155) Introduces the concepts essential in the performance and interpretation of cardiac exercise tolerance testing and Holter monitoring. Topics include: exercise physiology, stress testing, Holter monitoring, cardiac pacemakers, and cardiac rehabilitation programs.
  • 3.00 Credits

    (Prerequisites: AHS 104 CVT 103, CVT 110, CVT 111, VAS 110. Invasive Track Corequisites [Cardiac Catherization] : - CVT 104, CVT 109, CVT 102, ECH 155; Echocardiology Track Corequisites: CVT 104, CVT 109, DMS 136, ECH 155.) The student is introduced to various forms of invasive monitoring. Various forms of invasive access are studied, including right and left heart catherization, arterial line setups, and appropriate care. Emphasis is placed on the basics of hemodynamic monitoring and interpretation. Topics include: hemodynamics, aseptic technique, and infection control.
  • 3.00 Credits

    (Prerequisite: AHS 104 CVT 103, CVT 110, CVT 111, VAS 110. Invasive [Cardiac Catherization] Corequisite: CVT 102, CVT 104, CVT 108, DMS 136, ECH 155) Provides an overview of cardiovascular physiology and pathophysiology. Topics include: biochemistry of the cardiac muscle, conduction system, electrocardiogram, pathophysiology of acquired diseases, embryological development, and the pathophysiology of congenital diseases.
  • 4.00 Credits

    (Prerequisites: Program Admission. Corequisite: AHS 104, CVT 103, CVT 111, VAS 110 [all tracks]) Introduces the basic principles and applications of physical assessment, of noninvasive cardiovascular procedures. Topics include: introduction to measurements: chamber dimensions, velocities, systole, and diastole; patient and equipment skills related to instrumentation; physical principles: heart sounds, imaging of the cardiovascular system; echocardiography and vascular technology: basic views, terminology, physical principles, and instrumentation; and tomographic anatomy.
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