Course Criteria
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5.00 Credits
Examines fundamental molecular, cellular, and genetic principles characterizing plants and animals. Includes cell structure and function, and the metabolic processes of respiration, and photosynthesis, aswell as cell reproduction and basic concepts of heredity. This course includes laboratory experience. Prerequisite: none.
5.00 Credits
A continuation of Biology I. Includes ecology, evolution, classification, structure and function in plants and animals. This course includes laboratory experience. Prerequisite: BIO 111 or instructor permission.
4.00 Credits
Focuses on an integrated study of the human body including histology, anatomy, and physiology of each system. Examines molecular, cellular and tissue levels of organization plus integuments, skeletal, articulations, muscular, nervous, and endocrine systems. Includes a mandatory hands-on laboratory experience covering experimentation, microscopy, observations, and dissection. This is the first semester of a two-semester sequence. Prerequisite: Recommend BIO 111 or equivalent.
4.00 Credits
Focuses on an integrated study of the human body and the histology, anatomy, and physiology of the following systems and topics: cardiovascular, hematology, lymphatic, and immune, urinary, fluid and electrolyte control, digestive, nutrition, respiratory, reproductive and development. Includes a mandatory laboratory experience that includes experimentation, microscope, observations and dissection. Lab covers same topics as lecture. Prerequisite: BIO 111 and BIO 201 recommended.
4.00 Credits
Designed for health science majors. Examines microorganisms with an emphasis on their structure, development, physiology, classification, and identification. The laboratory experience includes culturing, identifying, and controlling microorganisms with an emphasis on their role in infectious disease. Prerequisite: none.
4.00 Credits
Focuses on the alterations in physiological, cellular, and biochemical processes, the associated homeostatic responses, and the manifestations of disease. Prior knowledge of cellular biology, anatomy, and physiology is essential for the study of pathophysiology. Prerequisite: none.
1.00 Credits
Designed for students who have minimal or no keyboarding skills. Introduces the touch method of keyboarding, as well as the basic operation and functions of the equipment. Emphasizes learning the alphanumeric keyboard, proper technique, and speed control. Prerequisite: none.
3.00 Credits
Instructs on how records are created, stored, and retrieved. Covers the basic filing rules-classifying, indexing, coding, storing, and retrieving as applied to basic methods-alphabetic, chronological, subject, numeric, and geographic. Emphasizes "hands-on" records management through the use of simulations which includes manual and/or computer software. Prerequisite: BTE 100 or Instructor permission.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
Provides students with the opportunity to supplement course work with practical work experience related to their educational program and occupational objectives. Students are placed at approved work sites that are related to their program of study. They work under the immediate supervision of experienced personnel at the business location and with the direct guidance of the instructor/coordinator. Prerequisite: none.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the operation of the American business system. Covers fundamentals of the economy, careers and opportunities, marketing, management, production, governmental regulations, tools of business and social responsibilities. Prerequisite: none.
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