Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Provides an overview of American literature from the Native American through the nineteenth century Romantics. It exployees ideas, historical and social contexts, themes and literary characteristics of works in varius genres by major writers. Prerequsite: ENG 121.
3.00 Credits
Teaches techniques for creative writing. Explores imaginative uses of language through creative gneres (fiction, poetry, literary non-fiction) with emphasis on the student's own unique style, subject matter and needs. Prerequisite: English 121.
4.00 Credits
Introduces the student to the basic concepts of ecology and the relationship between environmental problems and biological systems. Includes discussions on biology, chemistry, geology, energy, natural resources, pollution and environmental protection. Prerequisite: none.
3.00 Credits
Enables students to gain practical experience in basic horse husbandry, basic horsemanship and stable management practices. Students are assigned a horse and practice day-to-day management at the college's equine facility. Through practical experience students develop professional characteristics in appearance, attitude and work ethics. Pre-requisite: Acceptance into Equine Business Management Program. Co-requisite: ASC 143.
4.00 Credits
Focuses on external and internal anatomy and physiology including skeleton, joints, muscles, digestive system, urinaryexcretory system, respiratory system, circulatory system, nervous system, skin and hair. Covers the elements of conditioning these systems for various levels of training. Prerequisite: none
2.00 Credits
Introduces horse reproduction and the various breeding and management practices found on breeding farms. Covers physiology of the mare and stallion reproductive systems, care of the stallion and the mare, mare heat detection, breeding, care of pregnant mares, foaling, problems in the foal, care of the foal and yearling. Prerequisites: EQM 151 or ASC 100.
12.00 Credits
Provides students with a vehicle to pursue in depth exploration of special topics of interest. Prerequisite: none
12.00 Credits
Meets the needs of the individual student who is not participating in the internship program. Enables the student to lead unbroken or "green broke" horses through a complete training program with minimal supervision. Prerequisite: Instructor permission.
0.00 - 3.00 Credits
Builds on EQM 103 by enabling students to gain practical experience in horse husbandry, horsemanship and stable management practices. Students are assigned a horse and practice day-to-day management at the college's equine facility. Through practical experience students develop professional characteristics in appearance, attitude, and work ethic. Prerequisite: EQM 103.
3.00 Credits
Covers practical aspects of horse and stable management, feeds and nutrition, diseases and wounds, unsoundness and blemishes, castration, immunization, worming, health care, care of feet and legs, organizing stable routine and activities, stable records and stable construction. Focuses on marketing methods and promotional advertising methods for stables, trainers and horses. Prerequisite: EQM 151.
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