Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Covers the growth and development of the child from conception through the elementary school years. Emphasizes physical, cognitive, language, social and emotional domains and the concept into the whole child and how adults can provide a supportive environment. Ages addressed: prenatal through age 12. This course has an early childhood laboratory component.
3.00 Credits
Examines Colorado's minimal licensing requirements, as well as optimal standards pertaining to the operation of programs for young children. Focuses on the directors' administrative skills and role as a community advocate for young children. Addresses ages birth through age 12. Prerequisite: ECE 101 or instructor permission.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the human relations component of an early childhood professional's responsibilities. Includes director-staff relationships, staff development, leadership strategies, parent-professional partnerships, and community interaction. Prerequisite: none.
3.00 Credits
Presents an overview of typical and atypical developmental progression. Includes planning techniques, learning strategies, legal requirements and accommodations and adaptations that are necessary in order to create an integrated classroom environment for a child with a wide range of exceptionalities. Focuses on ages birth through age 8. Prerequisite: none.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the study of the American economy, stressing the interrelationships among the household, business, and government sectors. Explores saving and investment decisions, unemployment, inflation, national income accounting, taxing and spending policies, the limits of the market and government, public choice theory, the Federal Reserve System, money and banking, and international trade. Prerequisite: none.
3.00 Credits
Studies the firm, the nature of costs and how these relate to the economy as a whole. Analyzes economic models of the consumer, perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly, and monopolistic competition. Explores economic issues including market power, population growth, positive and negative externalities, income distribution, poverty and welfare, discrimination, and international economic interdependence. Prerequisite: none.
3.00 Credits
Introduces students to contemporary environmental issues and policies meant to reduce environmental degradation. Includes market failures, analytical tools, government pollution reduction policies for air, water, and natural environments and their effectiveness. Prerequisite: none.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the historical, social, political, philosophical, cultural, and economic forces that shape the United States public school system. Includes current issues of educational reform, technology as it relates to education and considerations related to becoming a teacher in the State of Colorado. Special interest will be paid to the topic of diversity in the K-12 school system. Incorporates a 30-hour 0-credit pre-professional, supervised field-based experience. Together with this experience, a portfolio and field experience reflective journal is required of all students. Additionally, prior to participating in the field experience, all students must submit a CDE fingerprint card and processing fee which will be used to conduct a CBI background check. Prerequisite: College level reading and writing as demonstrated on college level placement scores.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on the individual differences and modifications that are necessary in the educational practices of the exceptional learner. Incorporates an additional 10-hour 0-credit, pre-professional, supervised, field based experience. Together with this experience, a portfolio and field experience reflective journal is required of all students. Prior to beginning the field experience, students that have not previously done so must submit a CDE fingerprint card and processing fee which will be used to conduct a CBI background check. Prerequisite: completion of EDU 221 strongly recommended.
9.00 Credits
Enables the student after successful completion of this course to take the EMT Certification Examination subject to the requirements of the Colorado Department of Health and Environment. Includes written and practical examinations. Student must be at least 18 years of age. Prerequisite: none. Corequisite: EMS 170.
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