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3.00 Credits
Solid residuals treatment topics include thickening, dewatering, digestion, land application and composting. Natural treatment systems topics include slow rate, rapid, and overland flow land treatment systems; and constructed wetlands. Field trip required. Prereq: graduate standing, MATH 2411, PHYS 2311and ability to use spreadsheets.
3.00 Credits
Consulting engineering practice and management. Professional practice and organization. Marketing, ethics, personnel selection, and training. Planning, budgeting, work scheduling, resource allocation, and balancing. Oral and written communication, quality standards, and engineering management. Prereq: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
A descriptive course concerned with the administration of engineering and planning aspects of urban public works. Prereq: Graduate standing in civil engineering or public administration, or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Focuses on developing uniform vocabulary on sustainable infrastructure across science & technology, architecture & planning, public policy, and health & behavioral sciences. Students learn concepts, principles/pathways and evaluation techniques for promoting the diffusion of sustainable urban infrastructures.
3.00 Credits
Unique cross-disciplinary course that teaches students community engagement strategies to define sustainability goals. Life cycle assessment and material flow analysis tools used to measure environmental sustainability benchmarks. Field work applies both tools to cities in Colorado.
3.00 Credits
Students learn to: (1) define and classify hazardous wastes encountered at hazardous waste-contaminated sites, (2) learn basic principles underlying currently available technologies for site remediation, (3) use EPA’s technology screening matrix for technology selection, and (4) provide engineering design for selected remediation systems, e.g. ground-water pump-and-treat, soil vapor extraction, soil washing, and bioremediation. Prereq: CVEN 5402.
3.00 Credits
Design of sustainable water systems. Defines sustainable water systems, then discusses sustainable aspects of water resources, water treatment, water distribution, wastewater treatment, and water policy. Also covers planning for climate change, and designing urban environments for decreased water usage.
3.00 Credits
The process of determining the likelihood and extent of harm that may result from an activity or event. Topics covered are: hazard identification, dose-response evaluation, exposure assessment, and risk characterization. The subjects of risk management, risk perception, and risk communication are also discussed. Prereq: Graduate standing or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with ENVS 6200, HBSC 7340.
3.00 Credits
Matrix analysis of skeletal structures. Systematic formulation of stiffness and flexibility methods of analysis of skeletal structures. Application of modern computational tools to structural analysis, including introduction to the finite element method. Prereq: CVEN 3505.
3.00 Credits
Systematic formulation and application of the finite element approximation to the solution of engineering problems. Topics include one- and two-dimensional elasticity problems, two-dimensional heat flow and irrotational fluid flow. Elements considered include triangular and quadrilateral elements formulated by elementary and isoparametric techniques. Prereq: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.
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