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  • 3.00 Credits

    Derivation of basic principles of unsteady open channel flow. Application of kinematic wave, diffusive wave and dynamic wave approaches to open channel, including overland flow and flow in a drainage or river network. Introduction of numerical finite difference methods, characteristic method and simplified analytical method for the solution of unsteady open channel flow problems. Evaluation of computer simulation models such as DWOPER and SWMM. Prereq: CVEN 5343 and CVEN 5333 or permission of instructor.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This course covers two major areas: hydrologic and hydraulic numerical routing schemes. The hydrologic routing includes linear and nonlinear reservoir operations using the characteristic curves derived from the reservoir geometry. The hydrologic routing numerical scheme will be applied to optimize the reservoir operations for power generation, irrigation, and flood control. The hydraulic routing covers Dynamic Flood Wave, Diffusive Wave, and Kinematic Wave. The finite difference method is used to develop numerical models to predict flood flows through channels. This course also covers probable maximum precipitation and dam break flow analysis. Prereq: CVEN 3323.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Provides an over-view exposure and experience with various aspects of GIS technology and its uses for natural resource and infrastructure, planning, design and management. This course involves a survey of GIS software and hardware, review of cartographic mapping principles, hands-on applications to environmental impact assessment, municipal facilities management, transportation, water resources and demographics. GIS project management factors are addressed. Prereq: Graduate and/or upper division standing.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This second GIS course builds on the introductory course and addresses principles and technologies for development and conversion of spatial databases, including photogrammetry, surveying and geodesy, coordinate systems and transformations, and remote sensing. Prereq: Graduate and/or upper division standing; completion of CVEN 5381 (or equivalent) and MEng-GIS program prerequisites (especially surveying, mapping and computing); background in algebra, calculus fundamentals and facility to compute DOS/UNIX, spreadsheet, and FORTRAN; familiarity with various CAD (e.g. AutoCAD) and GIS (e.g. Arc Info, GRASS) software is also required.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This third course reviews GIS software functions and terminology, including data entry (input, editing), manipulation (projection, merge, window, aggregate), analysis (map algebra, overlay, Boolean, interpolation network, measurements, distance, terrain modeling, statistical analysis), query (spatial, attribute), and display/reporting. Integration of various domain-specific systems analysis models with GIS databases is also addressed. Laboratory activities involve programming applications using available GIS. Prereq: graduate and/or upper division standing; completion of CVEN 5381 (or equivalent) and completion of MEng-GIS prerequisites (especially applied Statistics); background in algebra, calculus fundamentals, facility to compute DOS/UNIX, OS/UNIX, spreadsheet, and FORTRAN; familiarity with various CAD (e.g., AutoCAD) and GIS (e.g., Arc Info, GRASS), software is also required.
  • 3.00 Credits

    This fourth course addresses aspects of GIS planning and development. These include topics of benefit-cost and financial analysis, scheduling, project management, internal and external marketing. Also, addressed are issues of GIS institutional acceptance, the role of computerized spatial data systems indecision making, application of planning techniques for accomplishing resource goals, administrative structure which enhances efficiency of use, and legal considerations involved with development and use of such databases. Prereq: Graduate and/or upper division standing; completion of CVEN 5381 (or equivalent); familiarity with various CAD (e.g. AutoCAD) and GIS (e.g. Arc Info, GRASS) software is also required.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Introduces relational database management system concepts with emphasis on GIS. Includes examination of relational database systems from conceptual design through relational schema design and physical implementation. Topics include SQL, database design and implementation for large database systems, transaction management, concurrency control, distributed database management systems and the interaction and progressive integration of GIS technologies and RBDMS technologies. Prereq: Graduate and/or upper division standing; completion of CVEN 5381 or equivalent and completion of MEng-GIS program prerequisites.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Provides in-depth experience with use and programming of a particular GIS software, including Arc GIS and related object-oriented programming languages. Advanced functionality for user authoring of software interface, data management and analysis functions and output generation. Exact content will vary by semester. Prereq: Computing and Introduction to GIS or their equivalent.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Addresses remote sensing concepts including 1) imaging sensors and geo-referencing; 2) image processing for radiometric, multi-spectral image enhancement, and multi-sensor image fusion; and 3) multi-spectral image classification, including feature extraction, supervised and unsupervised classification, and extensions to hyper-spectral data. Prereq: Calculus II, Statistics, Surveying and Mapping, Introduction to GIS, GIS Spatial Data Development (CVEN 5382) or Introduction to Remote Sensing.
  • 3.00 Credits

    Course introduces the fundamentals of site engineering which require understanding and interpreting landforms, slopes, contour lines, grading, drainage, and earthwork to storm water management, hydrology reports, designing roadways, and street networks. Other topics include designing for ADA and concepts of sustainability in site design. Note: CAD experience is recommended. Cross-listed with CVEN 4388.
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