Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Applies principles of soil mechanics to the analysis and design of foundations and earth structure. Theories of consolidation, earth pressure, slope stability, and bearing capacity. Studies settlement of structures, shallow and deep foundations, retaining walls and excavations. Prereq: CVEN 3708 and CVEN 3141. Coreq: CVEN 4718.
3.00 Credits
Studies geology as utilized in engineering and environmental practice. Emphasizes a conceptual integration of geologic materials, processes, and rates of change as a basis for successful application of geologic knowledge to environmental planning and engineering design projects. Prereq: MATH 2411 and CVEN 2121. Cross-listed with CVEN 5780 and GEOL 4780, 5780.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
Supervised study of special topics of interest to students under guidance of instructor. Prereq: Permission of instructor.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
This category is intended for topics which students may wish to pursue on their own initiative, with guidance from a professor who agrees to limited consultation on the work and to award credit when the project is completed. Departmental approval is required.
3.00 Credits
Vibration and dynamic response of simple linear and nonlinear structures to periodic and general disturbing forces. Frequency domain analysis, response analysis of multi-degree-of-freedom systems. Wind and earthquake effects. Prereq: CVEN 3505 and CVEN 4115.
3.00 Credits
Intermediate-level course in the mechanics of deformable bodies. Plane stress and strain; stress-strain relation with emphasis on elastic and inelastic behavior of members, and theories of failure. Discussion of basic methods of structural mechanics, with applications to asymmetric and curved beams, thick walled pressure vessels, torsion of members of noncircular section, and other selected problems in stress analysis. Prereq: CVEN 3121, MATH 3191 and 3200.
3.00 Credits
Engineering application of principles of hydrology. Subject matter includes precipitation measurement and data analysis, stream flow measurement and water budget analysis, evaporation and evapotranspiration, infiltration and rainfall-runoff relationships, hydrograph properties and unit hydrograph analysis, flood frequency, analysis and flood routing. Prereq: Permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Topics include groundwater occurrence, hydrologic cycle and budget, interactions with surface waters, principles of groundwater flow, well hydraulics, well field design, regional flow systems, water and pollutant chemistry, computer modeling and groundwater management. Emphasis is on quantitative analysis methods for groundwater resource inventory, design and management. Prereq: Graduate standing or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
This course covers rainfall/runoff data base, rain gage under-catch, statistical models for frequency analysis, Unit Graph and Kinematic Wave method for runoff prediction, urban watershed modeling, event-based flood prediction, continuous flow predictions, modeling consistency and sensitivity, impact assessments, master drainage planning, and storm centering technique. Prereq: CVEN 5333 - Graduate Standing or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Engineering analysis and design of natural and artificial open channels. Application of uniform flow concept to design of erodible and non-erodible channels. Application of energy and momentum principles to conditions of gradually varied flow, spatially varied flow and rapidly varied flow. Prereq: CVEN 3323 or permission of instructor.
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