Course Criteria
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1.00 - 6.00 Credits
This category is intended for topics which students may wish to pursue on their own initiative, with guidance from a professor who agrees to limited consultation on the work and to award credit when the project is completed. Departmental approval is required.
3.00 Credits
A vector treatment of dynamics of particles and rigid bodies, including rectilinear translation, central-force, general motion of particles, kinematics of rigid bodies, the inertia tensor, plane motion of rigid bodies; energy and momentum methods for particles, systems of particles and rigid bodies. Prereq: CVEN 2121. Cross-listed with MECH 2033.
3.00 Credits
Mechanical properties of materials, stresses and strains in members subjected to tension, compression and shear, combined stresses, flexural and shearing stresses in beams, deflections of beams, column analysis, principal stresses. Prereq: CVEN 2121. Cross-listed with MECH 3043.
3.00 Credits
A limited study of particle and rigid body mechanics. Subject coverage introduces vector concepts of force, moment and equilibrium, then concentrates on kinematics and kinetics of particles in motion, including oscillatory and orbital and finally discusses rigid body motion with emphasis on energy and momentum methods. Prereq: MATH 2422 and PHYS 2311. (Not for Civil Engineer or Mechanical Engineer majors.)
2.00 Credits
Introduces the production, properties, and behavior of common engineering materials. Emphasis is placed on concrete, steel, and wood. Includes the techniques used to determine material properties. Coreq: CVEN 3121.
2.00 Credits
Lecture and lab weekly, discussing techniques and making measurements of water purity parameters. Prereq: CHEM 1130/2031 and 2038; Prereq or Coreq: MATH 2411.
3.00 Credits
Introduces the fundamentals of fluid mechanics. Subject matter includes fluid properties, hydrostatics, the continuity principle, the energy principle, the momentum principle, similitude and dimensional analysis, forces on immersed bodies and laminar and turbulent flow in a closed conduit. Prereq: CVEN 2121.
3.00 Credits
Applies the principles of fluid mechanics to analysis and design of hydraulic systems involving pressurized pipelines, open channels and pumps. Introduces fluid measurements which includes laboratory demonstrations and experiments. Prereq: CVEN 2200 and CVEN 3313.
3.00 Credits
An introductory course that provides a unique systems approach to environmental engineering, examining the source-to-receptor feedback loop for pollution control. Physical, chemical and biological processes are integrated across atmospheric, wastewater and sub-surface systems. Laboratory exercises provide direct experiential learning of key concepts. Prereq: CHEM 1130 or equivalent. Cross-listed with CVEN 5401.
3.00 Credits
Covers the design of water distribution and wastewater collection systems. Topics include the design process, estimation of water demand and sewage flows, analysis of pipe networks and sewer systems, cost estimating, and design selection. Field trips are required. Prereq/Coreq: CVEN 3323.
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