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3.00 Credits
Studies the relationships between classes of formal languages (regular, context-free, context-sensitive, phrase-structure) and classes of automata (finite-state, pushdown, Turing machines). Additional topics include decidability and computability issues. Prereq: CSCI 3412. Cross-listed with MATH 5446.
3.00 Credits
Advanced design and analysis techniques: dynamic programming, greedy algorithms, amortized analysis. Advanced data structures: Fibonacci heaps, union-find data structures. Study of variety of special topics, which may include: graph algorithms, optimization problems, Fast Fourier Transform, string matching, geometric algorithms, Np-completeness and approximation algorithms. Prereq: CSCI 3412.
3.00 Credits
Parallel distributed representations, dynamics of Hopfield-style networks, content addressable memories, and Hebrian learning are the major topics of the first half. The last half consists of simulated annealing back propagation, competitive learning, and self-organizing networks. Prereq: CSCI 3412.
3.00 Credits
Examines a range of topics involving parallel and distributed systems to improve computational performance. Topics include parallel and distributed programming languages, architectures, networks, algorithms and applications. Prereq: Graduate Standing. Cross-listed with CSCI 7551.
3.00 Credits
Examines the advances of sequential computers for gaining speed and application of these techniques to high-speed supercomputers of today. Programming methodologies of distributed and shared memory multiprocessors, vector processors and systolic arrays are compared. Performance analysis methods for architectures and programs are described. Prereq: CSCI 5551. Cross-listed with CSCI 7552.
3.00 Credits
Introduces database system concepts, with examination of relational database systems from conceptual design through relational schema design and physical implementation. Topics include database design and implementation for large database systems, transaction management, concurrency control, object-oriented and distributed database management systems. Prereq: CSCI 3287.
3.00 Credits
Introduces two and three dimensional computer graphics. Topics include scan conversion, geometric primitives, transformation, viewing, basic rendering, and illumination. Emphasis is on the programming using C and C++ Open Gl. Prereq: CSCI 3412 and MATH 3191/3195. Cross-listed with CSCI 4565.
3.00 Credits
Students study the principles of computer operating systems and their essential components. Team projects expose students to variety of system design issues as they relate to the functionality and performance of the system. Topics include I/O devices, Disk Scheduling, File System Organizations, Directory Systems, Sequential and Concurrent process, CPU Scheduling, Memory Management, Deadlock and review of some related articles in the literature. Prereq: CSCI 3412 and 3415.
3.00 Credits
Covers the advanced topics in operating systems by examining functionality and performance issues in CPU Scheduling, communications, distributed file systems, distributed operating systems, shared-memory multiprocessors and real-time operating systems. In addition to studying papers, reviews and presentations, students carry out a semester long team project within the scope of one of the above topics Prereq: CSCI 3453 or CSCI 5573. Cross-listed with CSCI 7574.
3.00 Credits
Approaches to design of systems for solving problems usually solved by humans, especially those related to intelligent decision making. Emphasis on various types of knowledge representation. Cross-listed with CSCI 7582.
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