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3.00 Credits
This interdisciplinary course examines how the technological, social and economic worlds are connected and how the study of networks sheds light on these connections. Topics include: how opinions spread through society; the robustness and fragility of financial networks; the technology and economics of Web information and on-line communities. Prereqs: MATH 2411.
3.00 Credits
Introduces abstract models for computation, formal languages and machines. Topics include: automata theory, formal languages, grammars and Turing machines. Prereq: CSCI 3412.
3.00 Credits
Topics include heuristic search, games playing algorithms, application of predicate calculus to AI, introduction to planning, application of formal grammars to AI. Prereq: CSCI 3412.
3.00 Credits
Introduces discrete structures applications of graph theory to computer science, engineering and operations research. Topics include connectivity, coloring, trees, Euler and Hamiltonian paths and circuits. Matching and covering problems, shortest route and network flows. Prereq: MATH 3000 or CSCI 2511. Cross-listed with MATH 4408.
3.00 Credits
Many practical and aesthetic algorithmic problems have their roots in geometry. Applications abound in the areas of computer graphics, robotics, computer-aided design, and geographic information systems, for example. A selection of topics from convex hull, art gallery problems, ray tracing, point location, motion planning, segment intersection, Voronoi diagrams, visibility and algorithmic folding will be covered. Prereq: CSCI 3412. Cross-listed with CSCI 5411.
3.00 Credits
Comprehensive course on Java programming. Coverage of programming language constructs of Java and the core libraries that come with Java: coverage of advanced topics, including technologies for building distributed applications, and interacting with a database. Prereq: CSCI 2421.
3.00 Credits
Introduces the basic techniques used in translating programming languages: scanning, parsing, symbol table management, code generation, code optimization and error recovery. Prereq: CSCI 3412 and 3415.
3.00 Credits
Introduces two and three dimensional computer graphics. Topics include scan conversion, geometric primitives, transformation, viewing, basic rendering, and illumination. Emphasis is on programming using “C” and “C++” Open Gl. Prereq: CSCI 3412 and MATH 3191 or 3195. Cross-listed with CSCI 5565.
3.00 Credits
Deals with how assembly language maps to hardware, and basic hardware techniques implemented in computers. Topics include logic design of arithmetic units, data control path processor logic, pipelining, memory systems, and input-output units. The emphasis is on logic structure rather than electronic circuitry. Students must know basic control logic design and be familiar with an assembly language before taking this course. Prereq: CSCI 2525 or ELEC 2651.
3.00 Credits
A new type of game theory in Artificial Intelligence for solving abstract board games (ABG). A number of real world systems including military combat, transportation, and internet cyber war can be modeled as ABG. Prereq: CSCI 3412. Cross-listed with CSCI 5630.
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