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3.00 Credits
First course in computing for those who will take additional computer science courses. Covers the capabilities of a computer, the elements of the computer language C++, and basic techniques for solving problems using a computer. Coreq: CSCI 1411.
1.00 Credits
This laboratory is taken with CSCI 1410 and will provide students with additional help with problem solving and computer exercise to compliment the course material covered in CSCI 1410. Prereq: Freshman status. Coreq: CSCI 1410.
3.00 Credits
The design and analysis of combinational and sequential logic circuits. Topics include binary and hexadecimal number systems, Boolean algebra and Boolean function minimization, and algorithmic state machines. Lecture/lab includes experiments with computer-aided design tools.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Registration is changing. Visit our website for details ucdenver.edu/registration.
3.00 Credits
Basic theorems of circuit analysis. Transient solution of circuits by classical techniques. Ideal operational amplifier analysis techniques and applications. Prereq: MATH 2411 and PHYS 2331. Cross-listed with ELEC 2132.
3.00 Credits
Programming topics in the C++ language. The emphasis is on problem solving using object oriented and Generic Programming. Topics include advanced I/O, classes, inheritance, polymorphism and virtual functions, abstract base classes, exception handling, templates, and the Standard Template Library. Prereq: CSCI 1410.
3.00 Credits
Topics include a first look at an algorithm, data structures, abstract data types, and basic techniques such as sorting, searching, and recursion. Programming exercises are assigned through the semester. Prereq: ENGL 1020, CSCI 2312.
3.00 Credits
Covers the fundamentals of discrete mathematics, including: logic, sets, functions, asymptotics, mathematical reasoning, induction, combinatorics, discrete probability, relations and graphs. Emphasis on how discrete mathematics applies to computer science in general and algorithm analysis in particular. Prereq: MATH 1401.
3.00 Credits
Topics include computer architecture, program execution at the hardware level, programming in assembly language, the assembly process, hardware support of some high-level language features, and a program’s interface to the operating system. Programming exercises are assigned in this course. These exercises involve the use of specific hardware in designated laboratories. Prereq: CSCI 1410 and 1510.
3.00 Credits
Introduces the UNIX operating system and its family of related utility programs. History and overview, versions, and common features. File operations, utilities, shells, editors, filters and data manipulation. Shell programming communications and networking, windowing environments, mail and Internet. Programming tools. Simple system administration. Credit will not count toward BSCSE degree. Prereq: familiarity with operating systems and/or a programming course.
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