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3.00 Credits
Surveys major monetary and fiscal institutions such as commercial banks, the federal reserve system, savings institutions, and the structure of debt. The relationships between households, firms and financial intermediaries are explored, and the tools available to macroeconomic policy makers are described and evaluated. Prereq: ECON 4081.
3.00 Credits
Teaches forecasting techniques used in business and government to project trends and short-term fluctuations. Actual data are employed in instruction and labs. State-of-the-art spreadsheet and algorithms are introduced as part of the course work. Prereq: Undergraduate statistics or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with ECON 5150.
3.00 Credits
Surveys topics dealing with the economics of government activity, including the provision of public goods; the economics of the political process; welfare programs; pollution externalities; benefit-cost analysis; the U.S. tax structure; and the effects of taxes on economic behavior, economic performance and the distribution of income. Prereq: ECON 2022.
3.00 Credits
Applies economic theory to legal decision making. Topics include property law, tort law, contract law, the common law, crime and punishment, comparisons to traditional forms of legal decision making and the economic approach to politics. Prereq: ECON 2022.
3.00 Credits
Deals with the application of economic analysis to the government policy-making process. Topics include public goods provision, externalities, cost-benefit analysis, judicial decision making, the economic analysis of the political process, government regulation of business, and tax incidence. Prereq: ECON 2012, 2022 and 3801.
3.00 Credits
The course adapts standard theory to more realistically discuss enterprise structure, firm and managerial behavioral incentives, and strategic behavior. Once a foundation is laid, successful and unsuccessful strategies and case studies are presented. Cross-listed with ECON 5310.
3.00 Credits
Trade theory identifies who wins and loses from trade and why there are usually overall gains. Explores issues in immigration, globalization, income inequality, tariffs, dumping, the WTO, the environment, wages, and growth strategies among others. Prereq: ECON 2022. Cross-listed with ECON 5410.
3.00 Credits
The international adjustment process, including the foreign exchange market, balance of payments disequilibria, price and income adjustment, fiscal and monetary policy, and the international monetary system. Prereq: ECON 2012.
3.00 Credits
Explores causes of rapid growth or decline over long periods for different regions of the world. Inequality, sustainability, culture, climate, technology and resources all play significant roles. Data and examples are used to determine the important influences. Prereq: ECON 2022 and ECON 3811.
3.00 Credits
Examines economic models of renewable resource management and models of exhaustible resource depletion. Analyzes decisions made by private firms and governments affecting the methods and rate of resource development. Examines the effects of resource development on economic growth and environmental quality and the effects of economic development on resource scarcity. Prereq: ECON 2022. Cross-listed with ECON 5530.
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