Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Designed to be taken prior to beginning the doctoral program. Discusses the process of writing-emphasizing reading research articles critically with a focus on selecting and organizing sources into a review, developing a conceptual framework, and identifying the connectivity between frameworks and conclusions. Covers principles involved in critically reviewing the literature, including an examination of the purpose of the literature review, its structures and an analysis of examples. Furthers the development of a scholarly writing culture, and set expectations for the type of writing necessary to be successful in the doctoral program and to be contributing members of the academic community of practice.
3.00 Credits
Designed for students beginning doctoral work, explores conceptional and practical bases for doing and evaluating educational research. The chain of reasoning linking the conceptualization of a research problem, the posing of questions in a social process of inquiry, and the collection and interpretation of evidence is examined through the use of examples. Prereq: RSEM 5100 or equivalent.
3.00 Credits
Provides doctoral students with conceptual, methodological, and social support during the early stages of the doctoral dissertation. Course content and discussion focuses on the first three chapters of the dissertation, including: posing research questions and hypotheses, conceptual and theoretical frameworks, literature reviews, and methodological (design, sampling, measurement, analysis) plans. Prereq: completion of all required course work; successful completion or scheduled doctoral comprehensive examination during the semester in which this course is taken.
3.00 Credits
Introductory seminar for doctoral students in education. Orients students to the array of perspectives on leadership and innovation in education and develops doctoral-level analysis and writing skills. Students develop initial portfolio products and program plans. Prereq: admission to the doctoral program.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
Examines the core values underlying the program in education administration: value development in individuals as they relate to the purpose of public schooling in today’s society. Prereq: permission of instructor.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
Provides students with relevant theories, research, and practice related to administrative policy making educational organizations. Focuses on ways of thinking about societal and schooling tensions, and includes a focus on governance, planning, community participation, politics, working with groups, policy arenas, conflict management and the change process. Prereq: permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Part of a planned sequence of experiences for a cohort group of advanced doctoral students preparing for careers as senior policy administrators in education. Prereq: permission of instructor.
1.00 - 6.00 Credits
Examines ways of thinking about schools as organizations that deliver educational services, as well as places of employment for administrators, teachers, and other staff members. The course also focuses on ways to diagnose and change school performance. Prereq: permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Examines the specific systems at local, state, and national levels that provide services and support for children, youth, and families including the regulatory and statutory criteria for program administration and funding, the nature and scope of services offered, and the goodness-of-fit between overlapping program mandates and existing needs of families. Prereq: admission to the Ph.D. program in educational leadership or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Policies and educational reforms affecting the technical core of schooling: curriculum, teaching, learning, assessment, and organization. Students develop research and policy analysis skills and investigate social and political factors affecting what is taught and learned in schools. Prereq: DSEP 7000 and 7100.
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