Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
Courses offered on an irregular basis for the purpose of presenting new subject matter in Decision Sciences. Prereq: Will vary depending upon the particular topic and instructor.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Registration is changing. Visit our website for details ucdenver.edu/registration.
3.00 Credits
Seldom offered. Linear programming and its application, network analysis, including scheduling models, dynamic programming, integer programming, non-linear programming. Prereq: BUSN 6530 and 6630.
3.00 Credits
Seldom offered. A variety of stochastic models and their application are discussed. Simulation modeling and analysis is emphasized as an approach for addressing such problems. Prereq: BUSN 6530 and 6630.
3.00 Credits
Research methods: Design and Analysis. Topics include: research design, approaches to gathering data; sampling methods; linear multivariate analysis methods emphasizing structural equations models; and a brief survey of other methods such as cluster analysis, multidimensional scaling, methods such as neural nets, Cart and/or genetic algorithms. While much of the material is of general interest, the course emphasizes methods and situations to prepare students in the CS/IS PhD program for research in their field(s). The course includes student projects involving the analysis of data using appropriate software, whose results are presented to the class. Note: Cannot receive credit for both ISMG 7220 and DSCI 6220. Prereq: BUSN 6530 (may be taken concurrently with permission of instructor) and either PhD student status or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with ISMG 7220.
3.00 Credits
Modern businesses use forecasts in marketing, finance, accounting, human resources management and supply chain and production management decision-making. This course focuses on practical application of forecasting techniques, choosing and comparing appropriate methods and applying the results to the business application. Note: Can only receive credit for either DSCI 6230, BUSN 6824, or FNCE 6372. Prereq: BUSN 6530 or FNCE 6290. Cross-listed with BUSN 6824 and FNCE 6372.
3.00 Credits
Studies the identification, measurement and improvement of quality and the practical management issues related to implementing quality systems within organizations. Topics include historic and contemporary views of quality, statistical quality control tools including Six SigmaSM, work design and measurement and process flow and design. Note: Cannot receive credit for both DSCI 6440 and BUSN 6832. Prereq: BUSN 6530 or permission of instructor. Cross-listed with BUSN 6832.
3.00 Credits
Examines business decision making under conditions of risk and uncertainty using quantitative decision analysis methods such as utility theory, value of information, decisions with conflicting objectives and hierarchical structured models. Applications include decisions commonly encountered in capital acquisitions, financial investments, quality control, project selection, strategic planning, production control and human resource management. Student computer-assisted projects are conducted. Note: Cannot receive credit for both DSCI 6460 and BUSN 6836. Cross-listed with BUSN 6836.
3.00 Credits
Students learn to model and analyze complex dynamic systems using state-of-the are software such as Arena. Illustrative application areas include production systems, service systems, distribution systems and health care systems. Topics include creating reliable simulation models, analyzing the input and output from the model and managing simulation projects. a substantial part of the course will be devoted to projects where students define, model and analyze a significant system of their choosing. Note: Cannot receive credit for both DSCI 6480 and BUSN 6834. Prereq: Permission of instructor. Cross-listed with BUSN 6834.
3.00 Credits
Seldom offered. Studies the purchasing function in manufacturing, service and public organizations. Topics include: course selection, make-buy analysis, material quality standards and specifications, value analysis, negotiations, and legal aspects. Prereq: BUSN 6630.
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