Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
An advanced coverage of urban and regional transportation planning models, procedures and software. Mathematical formulations, properties, and solution algorithms are presented. Additional topics include methods of data acquisition from public domain databases for use in modeling software. a course project requires students to develop an application of modeling software to a case study area. Prereq: CVEN 5631 or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
National airport system plan, air travel demand, geometric design of airport facilities, design of airport pavement and drainage structures, and airport environmental impact. Prereq: CVEN 3602 and graduate standing or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Safety aspects of highway, railroad, and airway transportation systems. Accident analysis, accident prevention, economic consequences of accidents. Prereq: CVEN 3602 and graduate standing or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Design of flexible and rigid pavements for highways and airports; stress analysis in flexible and rigid pavements; design of joints and reinforcing steel for rigid pavements; principles of subgrade stabilization. Prereq: CVEN 3602 and CVEN 4718.
3.00 Credits
Selected laboratory problems related to urban traffic. Prereq: CVEN 5642 or equivalent.
3.00 Credits
A unified treatment of the foundation of soil engineering analysis. Topics include stress-strain-strength of soils; generalized limiting equilibrium analysis; stability analyses of earth-retaining structures, slopes, and shallow foundations; probabilistic approach of stability assessment; computation of settlement of foundations in sand and clay and time-rate of consolidation and critical state concept. Special attention is directed toward the illustration of theory through practical examples. Prereq: CVEN 3708, CVEN 4718, and graduate standing or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
A unified treatment of settlement analysis on sand and clay. Topics include settlement of shallow foundation, settlement of deep foundation, and settlement of embankments, walls and excavations. Conventional methods of analysis and the finite element method of analysis are covered. Critical design implications are emphasized.
3.00 Credits
Engineering properties of soils, including index properties, permeability, stress-strain behaviors, shear strength, compressibility, critical state soil models and their application in interpreting soil behaviors. Attention also is directed to laboratory and in-situ tests to examine the validity of shear strength and compressibility theories and their application to stability and settlement analysis. Prereq: CVEN 3708, CVEN 4718, and graduate standing or permission of instructor.
3.00 Credits
Theory of reinforced soil; mechanical and hydraulic properties of geosynthetics; soil-geosynthetic interaction behavior; design concepts of GRS structures; design and construction of GRS retaining walls; design and construction of GRS embankments and slopes; design and construction of GRS foundations. Prereq: CVEN 5708.
3.00 Credits
Principles governing flow of water through soils. Approximate methods for confined and unconfined seepage problems, including flow nets, analog models, numerical methods, and method of finite elements. Analytical solutions for unconfined flow problems. Drainage filter design. Seepage toward wells. Stability of earth structures due to seepage. Prereq: CVEN 3708, CVEN 4718, and graduate standing or permission of instructor.
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