Course Criteria
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1.00 - 3.00 Credits
PR: CI. Individual study contract with instructor and department chairperson required. The research project will be mutually determined by the student and instructor.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
PR: CI. S/U only. Specialized independent study determined by the students? needs and interests.
1.00 - 3.00 Credits
Topics to be selected by instructor and department chairperson.
2.00 Credits
PR: Acceptance in USF-Hillsborough County Mathematics and Science Program. Computational and constructive aspects of number theory. Topics include: properties of integers, Diophantine Equations, congruence, quadratic residues polynomials over the integers, systems of linear equations, matrices and determinants.
4.00 Credits
CP: MGF 3301 and either MAC 2283 or MAC 2313. Linear systems, matrix algebra, vector spaces, linear independence, inner product spaces, Gram-Schmidt algorithm, linear transformations and matrix representations, determinants, eigenvalues, diagonalization, quadratic forms.
4.00 Credits
PR: MAS 3105 and either MAC 2313 or MAC 2283. Implicit function and inverse function theorems, parameterized surfaces, submanifolds on Euclidean space, exterior calculus of differential forms, differentiation of vector fields, line and surface integrals, Stokes? Theorem, elementary continuous groups.
3.00 Credits
PR: MAC 2312. No credit towards Mathematics major. Divisibility, prime numbers, Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic, Diophantine equations, the algebra of congruencies, number functions and other selected topics.
3.00 Credits
PR: MAS 3105. An introduction to the basic algebraic structures; groups, rings, integral domains, and fields; homeomorphisms and isomorphisms.
3.00 Credits
PR: MAS 3105 and MAS 4301 CP: MAS 5311. Finite-dimensional vector spaces over arbitrary fields, dual spaces, canonical forms for linear transformations, inner product spaces, orthogonal, unitary, and self-ad joint operators and quadratic forms.
3.00 Credits
PR: MAS 3105 and MAS 4301, or CI. Fundamental theorem of arithmetic, modular arithmetic, Chinese remainder theorem, Mersenne primes, perfect numbers, Euler-Fermat theorem, pseudo primes, primitive roots, law of quadratic reciprocity, factorization and primality testing algorithms.
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