Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
Emphasizes practical knowledge of computers for everyday use. Includes terminology, programming commands, peripherals, word processing, database programs, and accounting software. Lab included. 3.000 OR 4.000 Credit Hours Corequisites: CMPS 100L
4.00 Credits
Basic functional units and components of a computer system. Software engineering and application programming through problem analysis, design, documentation, implementation, and evaluation. Lab included. 4.000 Credit Hours Corequisites: CMPS 110L
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Student-designed courses approved by a faculty member. Prior approval of goals, objectives, procedures, and assessment plan as directed in the Independent Study Manual is required. May be taken multiple times with a different topic for credit. Not challengeable. 1.000 TO 4.000 Credit Hours
3.00 Credits
The course gives the student the knowledge and experience needed to use technology effectively. Topics include the following: desktop and electronic publishing, presentation and multimedia, data collection and organization using spreadsheets and databases. Prerequisite: none. Lab included. (Also BUS 200.) 2.000 Credit Hours Course Attributes: UVLL Lifelong Learning
4.00 Credits
Covers the principles of object-oriented programming language using Java. Includes classes, methods, graphical user interface (GUI), multimedia, and Java database connectivity (JDBC). Lab included. Can be taken for letter grade only. Not challengeable. 4.000 Credit Hours Prerequisites:
1.00 - 4.00 Credits
Student-designed courses approved by a faculty member. Prior approval of goals, objectives, procedures, and assessment plan as directed in the Independent Study Manual is required. May be taken multiple times with a different topic for credit. Not challengeable. 1.000 TO 4.000 Credit Hours
4.00 Credits
Emphasizes problem solving and structured programming. Elementary input/output; arrays; strings; functions, and pointers. Not applicable toward the Mathematics major. Lab included. Can be taken for letter grade only. 4.000 Credit Hours
4.00 Credits
The course will expose students to different technologies and their impact on society, business, personal relationships, and the legal ramifications thereof. The course introduces the effect of different technologies on the environment in which they are applied and public attitude affecting their use. The course emphasizes the impact of science and technology on human institutions, social values, ethics, and human self image. Students will improve their critical thinking skills, and explore current event topics. Moreover, students will formulate, analyze, synthesize, and defend their ideas both orally and in written form. In addition, students will work individually on some of the assignments and collaborate with teammates to produce a research paper. Prereq.: None. 4.000 Credit Hours Course Attributes: INTD Interdisciplinary Thnkng, UVLL Lifelong Learning
3.00 Credits
Covers design and development of web pages, including HTML, CGI scripts, Java applets, and multimedia. Stresses human-centered design principles. Can be taken for letter grade only. Lab included. Not challengeable. Also BUS 318. 4.000 Credit Hours Course Attributes: BS Computer Sci/Engr Elective, INTD Interdisciplinary Thnkng, UVLL Lifelong Learning
4.00 Credits
XHTML review, Cascading Style Sheets, Introduction to Scripting, JavaScript - control statements, functions, arrays, objects, object and event models, XML and RSS, building Ajax-enabled Internet applications. Course is not challengeable. 4.000 Credit Hours Course Attributes: INTD Interdisciplinary Thnkng, UVLL Lifelong Learning Prerequisites: Undergraduate level CMPS 318 Minimum Grade of C-
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