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4.00 Credits
Introduction to technical underpinnings emphasizing photography as a contemporary art practice. Topics include 35 mm. non-automatic camera operation, exposure and lighting, black and white printing, introduction to digital photography, discussion of critical and historical issues. Materials fee. Formerly Studio Art 71. ( IX)
4.00 Credits
Techniques covered include: medium and large format cameras, digital photography, studio lighting, digital and analog color printing, mural room. Conceptual direction is developed through critiques, critical readings, discussions, slide lectures. Materials fee. Prerequisite: Studio Art 71 or 71A. ( IX)
4.00 Credits
Introduction to the three production stages of video making. Study of the narrative structure of cinema and acquisition of video production skills in camera, lighting, sound, and editing. Production work, readings, and screenings outside of class are assigned. Materials fee. Formerly Studio Art 81. ( IX)
4.00 Credits
Focuses on video production, technical skills including: camera operation, stage lighting, sound recording, and construction of basic scenic elements. Emphasis is placed on the function and responsibilities of the production crew and proper working and safety procedures. Materials fee. Prerequisite: Studio Art 81A. ( IX)
4.00 Credits
Exploration of objects, gesture, action, text, image, and media to create narrative or non-narrative works. Elements of theory and history of performance art are discussed to illustrate techniques and styles. The goal is to understand, identify, and articulate your artistic vision and voice. May be taken for credit twice. ( IX)
4.00 Credits
A reading course for students with near-fluency in reading Vietnamese. Readings may include both literary and more broadly culturally significant works by important writers, but emphasis is literary texts and writings that interpret those texts. Prerequisite: Vietnamese 3C or consent of instructor. May be taken for credit three times as topics vary. ( VIII)
3.00 Credits
Natural approach with emphasis on four fundamental skills of listening, speaking, reading, and writing. Conducted in Vietnamese. Vietnamese 1A-B-C and Vietnamese slabBC may not both be taken for credit. (1C: VI) slab-BC Fundamental Vietnamese (7.5-7.5) Summer. First-year Vietnamese in intensified form. Intended for students with little or no knowledge of the Vietnamese language. Emphasis is on mastery of the basic language skills of understanding, speaking, reading, and writing. Prerequisite for slab: none; for S1BC: slab, or two years of high school Vietnamese, or one semester of college-level Vietnamese. Vietnamese slab-BC and Vietnamese 1A-B-C may not both be taken for credit. (S1BC: VI) 2A-B-C Intermediate Vietnamese (5-5-5) F, W, S. Designed to develop writing and reading skill as well as communicative skills in authentic situations. Students are introduced to aspects of Vietnamese culture as related to lesson topics. Prerequisite for 2A: Vietnamese 1C or S1BC with a grade of C or better, or equivalent; for 2B: Vietnamese 2A with a grade of C or better, or equivalent; for 2C: Vietnamese 2B with a grade of C or better, or equivalent. Placement test required. ( VIII) 3A-B-C Advanced Vietnamese (4-4-4). Focuses on the development of effective speaking, reading, and writing with an emphasis on correct syntax and appropriate word usage in spoken language. Prerequisite: Vietnamese 2C or equivalent. ( VIII)
3.00 Credits
100A Producing Feminist Knowledge (4). Explores alternative ways that feminist scholars frame research questions, conduct research or creative activity. Examines challenges that feminist scholarship poses to the academy and the challenges the academy poses to feminist scholars. Prerequisite: one course from Women's Studies 20, 50A, 50B, 50C, 60A, 60B, or 60C. Formerly Women's Studies 159. 100B Feminist Theory (4). Introduction to historical traditions in theory and various conceptual frameworks informing Women's Studies' scholarship.Concepts include (but are not limited to) identity, representation, and political economy. Prerequisite: one course from Women's Studies 20, 50A, 50B, 50C, 60A, 60B, or 60C. Formerly Women's Studies 140. 100C Key Concepts in Feminist Cultural Studies (4). Investigation of the theories and methods that inform the feminist study of culture. Focuses on the interpretation of the visual arts and literature created by, and predominantly for, women. Prerequisite: one course from Women's Studies 20, 50A, 50B, 50C, 60A, 60B, or 60C.
3.00 Credits
110A Gender, State, and Nation (4). Examination of gender and sexuality in relation to the production of identities created through participation in state and nation. Examines complexity of relationship between feminism and nationalism, feminism and state. Prerequisite: one course from Women's Studies 20, 50A, 50B, 50C, 60A, 60B, or 60C. ( VIII) 110B Money, Sex, and Power (4). Examination of gender and sexuality in relation to the emergence of the modern world, modernity, and capitalism; commodification, circulation, and transnational exchanges relating to race, gender, class, sexuality, religion, and nationality. Prerequisite: one course from Women's Studies 20, 50A, 50B, 50C, 60A, 60B, or 60C. 110C Producing Gender Transnationally (4). Examination of how ideas and formations of gender cross national and international boundaries; encounters between feminist and sexual identity movements; how terms such as "sex" and "gender" change meanings according to time and place. Prerequisitone course from Women's Studies 20, 50A, 50B, 50C, 60A, 60B, or 60C. ( VIII)
3.00 Credits
120A Modern Pleasures: Bodies and Practices (4). Focus on the theory and history of pleasure within academic disciplines as well as in social and cultural processes and networks. Prerequisite: one course from Women's Studies 20, 50A, 50B, 50C, 60A, 60B, or 60C. 120B Image Problems: Stereotypes and Representations (4). Examination of scholarly approaches to gender stereotypes and politics of representation as they present possibilities for critical analysis and produce problems and limitations; how powerful ideas of gender intersect with other forms of social differentiation such as race and class. ( VII) 120C Engendering Colonial Bodies (4). Examination of the production of gender and sexuality in the contexts of colonialism and modernization; representations of colonialist and nationalist struggles over gender and race; female bodies as sites of contestation. ( VIII)