Course Criteria
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3.00 Credits
LEC. 3. Pr., MECH 6510. The fundamentals of advanced acoustics theory. Wave equation derivation from Navier-Stokes equations, spherical waves, monopoles, dipoles, quadrapoles. Duct Acoustics, Statistical Energy Analysis.
3.00 Credits
LEC. 3. Pr., MECH 3140. Dynamics of particles and systems of particles applied to engineering problems. Work-energy and impulse-momentum principles. Lagrange's equations and Hamilton's Principle.
3.00 Credits
LEC. 3. Pr., MECH 3140. Introduction, geometrical concepts, analytical methods, Poincare' maps, strange attractors, bifurcation, normal forms, center manifold theory, Liapunov stability, Liapunov exponents, linearization about periodic orbit, Floquet theory, bifurcation analysis.
3.00 Credits
LEC. 3. Pr., departmental approval. Investigation of the fundamental concepts used to solve collison problems with friction.
3.00 Credits
LEC. 3. Pr., MECH 6610. Review of linear systems with multiple degrees of freedom, vibration of strings, beams, membranes and plates. Stability of columns, panels and plates. Galerkin and normal mode solutions, Lyapunov methods for continuous systems.
3.00 Credits
LEC. 3. Pr., MECH 6610. Properties of random processes, review of linear systems with single and multiple degrees of freedom. Vibration of single and multiple degrees of freedom systems subjected to random excitations, design of structures subjected to random excitation, Parameter estimation.
3.00 Credits
LEC. 3. Pr., MECH 3140. Topics from control theory are introduced in the context of control systems analysis and design, including state variable feedback, modal control, optimal control and adaptive control for both continuous and discrete systems.
3.00 Credits
(1-3). IND. Pr., department approval. Individual or small group study of an advanced specialized area of Mechanical Engineering under faculty direction. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.
1.00 Credits
SEM. 1. SU. Topics may vary. Will not fulfill degree requirements. Course may be repeated with change in topic.
3.00 Credits
(1-3). LEC. Pr., departmental approval. Regular course addressing an advanced specialized area of Mechanical Engineering not covered by regularly offered course. Topics may vary. Course may be repeated for a maximum of 3 credit hours.
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