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  • 4.00 Credits

    See Film 203B for a full course description.
  • 4.00 Credits

    This hands-on exploration of a full-bodied literature provides a theoretical basis for spokenword poetics via deep reading and analysis of texts, as well as performance practice. Hip-hop, dada, futurism, New York School, rock, beat, Black Mountain, and other traditions weave through the curriculum. Media other than print are engaged: video and audio recording, live music collaborations, poets' theater, and the Internet are all considered. Students participate in class collaborations with painters and musicians and create a performance in at least two media as a final project. Several classes are held in New York City, where students meet with artists to discuss their work.
  • 4.00 Credits

    The Major Conference is required of integrated arts majors and concentrators and is usually taken in the junior or senior year. Examples of recent Major Conferences follow.
  • 4.00 Credits

    This beginning course is designed for the student with some prior exposure to Italian or excellent command of another Romance language. The course covers the major aspects of grammar and provides intensive practice in the four skills (speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing). The grammar textbook is supplemented by traditional homework exercises and multimedia work in Bard's Center for Foreign Languages and Cultures. Students must enroll in a weekly tutorial. The course concludes with one month of study in Italy.
  • 4.00 Credits

    This course, open to students who have completed Italian 110 and the interterm program in Italy, continues to cover the major topics of grammar through intensive practice in the four skills (speaking, comprehension, reading, and writing). The textbook is supplemented by regular multimedia work in Bard's Center for Foreign Languages and Cultures. Students are required to attend a weekly session with the foreign language tutor, in order to practice oral skills.
  • 4.00 Credits

    This course, which is for students who have completed the equivalent of one year of college Italian, constitutes a comprehensive review through practice in writing and conversation. Students engage in discussion and must complete compositions and oral reports based on Italian literary texts and cultural material.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Human Rights This course explores the rise, appeal, structure, goals, and representation of the fascist ideology and regime in Italy at the turn of the 20th century, as well as the artistic and intellectual response elicited by fascism's oppressive context. Authors studied include Carducci, D'Annunzio, Croce, Marinetti, Palazzeschi, Corradini, Ungaretti, Saba, Levi, Pirandello, Vittorini, Moravia, Gramsci, Gentile, Montale, and Calvino. Filmmakers studied include Olmi, Wertmüller, Pontecorvo, Rossellini, Taviani, Scola, Rosi, and Pasolini. The course is conducted in English.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Many of the most appealing concepts born of the Italian Renaissance-reappropriation of Latin and Greek learning; belief in divine madness; essential cosmic harmony underlying literary and figurative expression, architecture, and mathematical formulas-were considered increasingly heretical after the Office of the Inquisition was created in 1542. Nevertheless, these concepts built the foundation of European-wide intellectual exchange. This course introduces students to the repertoire of basic cultural referents with which the early modern individual viewed knowledge and perceived history (as well as the present). Among the authors studied are Alberti, Dante, Ficino, Petrarch,Machiavelli, Pico della Mirandola, Landino, Ortensio Lando, Tasso, Sansovino, Manuzio, Doni, and Garzoni.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Human Rights Restrictions on speech or the access to knowledge are most often assumed to derive from some basic act of manipulation or corrupt motivation. But is censorship decreed by political or intellectual authorities ever legitimate? And is there knowledge meant to remain beyond human reach or revealed only to a special few? This course explores the historical faces of forbiddenness and the subversions of it from antiquity to the 18th century through the works of Plato, Dante, Petrarch, Galileo, Descartes, Montaigne, Marlowe, Milton, Defoe, and Rousseau. Students also consider the rise of private and public societies in the early modern period as they relate to the idea of accessing, circumscribing, and censoring different bodies of knowledge. The course is conducted in English.
  • 4.00 Credits

    Students engage in a close reading of the Divine Comedy in its historical, philosophical, and literary contexts. The course incorporates a variety of critical perspectives (from the Middle Ages to the present), relevant passages from other texts by Dante ( Vita Nuova, Rime, Convivio, De Vulgari Eloquentia), other Proven?al or early- Italian poets, and a brief exploration of the figurative tradition born of this poetic masterpiece. Discussion focuses on the medieval underpinnings and connotations of concepts such as intelligence (human and divine), time and history, faith, virtue versus sin, revelation, providence, allegory, and the responsibilities of authorship. The course is conducted in English.
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