Course Criteria
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4.00 Credits
4 sem. hrs. Prereq.: High school algebra and completion of the competency in basic mathematics requirement. Intended primarily for students in the health, behavioral, or social sciences. Covers univariate and bivariate data analysis, surveys and experiments, elementary probability, sampling distributions, statistical inference for proportions and means. Extensive use is made of the software Minitab. The course will include a significant data analysis project. This course does not count toward the mathematics major. Staff.
4.00 Credits
4 sem. hrs. Prereq.: MATH 106 or recommendation of the department and completion of the competency in basic mathematics requirement. Covers analytic geometry, functions, limits and continuity, and differential calculus. Includes applications to extrema, physical problems, etc. Staff.
4.00 Credits
4 sem. hrs. Prereq.: MATH 120 or equivalent. Covers integral calculus and applications to area, volume, etc.; transcendental functions; techniques of integration; polar coordinates; and improper integrals. Staff.
4.00 Credits
4 sem. hrs. Prereq.: MATH 106 or equivalent or consent of the instructor. Covers foundations of mathematics, combinatorial problem-solving and graph theory. Includes the following topics: propositional logic and Booleana algebra, one-to-one, onto and invertible functions, cardinality, big-O, applications to complexity theory and cryptography, permutations, combinations, trees, binomial and multinomial coefficients, elementary probability, inclusion/ exclusion recurrence relations, basic graph theory, chains, paths, connectedness circuits, models, and numerous applications. Staff.
4.00 Credits
4 sem. hrs. Prereq.: Any math course numbered 118 or higher or consent of the instructor. Covers real vector spaces, linear transformations, inner products, matrix theory and determinants, and applications. Includes selected topics from complex vector spaces, dual spaces, differential operators, etc. Staff.
4.00 Credits
4 sem. hrs. Prereq.: MATH 118 and junior standing or consent of the instructor. Covers modern statistical techniques, including simple and multiple regression, analysis of variance, contingency tables, and experimental and quasiexperimental designs. Includes sampling plans. Makes use of a statistical computer package. Does not fulfill requirements of the mathematics major. Goldman.
4.00 Credits
4 sem. hrs. Prereq.: MATH 121 or equivalent. Covers vectors and analytic geometry in three dimensions; functions of several variables; and partial derivatives, multiple integration, and applications. Browder.
4.00 Credits
4 sem. hrs. Prereq.: MATH 121 or equivalent or consent of the instructor. Serves as a first course in applied statistics for mathematics majors and other well-prepared students. Covers univariate and bivariate data analysis, surveys and experiments, elementary probability, sampling distributions, statistical inference for proportions and means, chi-square tests, and multiple regression. Extensive use is made of statistical software. Includes a significant data analysis project. Goldman. Please note: MATH 238 is an appropriate substitute for MATH 118 for students majoring in sociology, psychology, physical therapy, or other areas that require MATH 118.
4.00 Credits
4 sem. hrs. Prereq.: MATH 210 and MATH 211. Reviews set theory; groups and group homoromorphism; rings and ring homomorphisms and examples; Euclidean division algorithm; prime factorization and Chinese remainder theorem with applications to cryptography; Peano's postulates, leading to a description of the integer, rational, real, and complex number systems; Fermat's LittleTheorem; Euler phi function; and linear and quadratic residues. Staff.
4.00 Credits
4 sem. hrs. Prereq.: MATH 118 or 238, and MGMT 311 or ECON 231; or consent of the instructor. Covers Bayesian statistics, methods of examining risk, models for financial decision-making, complex present value computations, risk management, behavioral economics, Modern Portfolio Theory, and pricing of options and other derivatives, including the Black-Scholes Theorem and the "Greeks." Does not count toward the mathematicsmajor. Menzin.