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3.00 Credits
Marino, Vico, Goldoni, Parini, and Alfieri as examples of the development from the extravagance of the Baroque to the rationalism of the Age of Enlightenment. Prerequisite: Ital 311 or permission of instructor. Course Attributes: World Language Distribution II 3 Lect Hrs, 3 Credits
3.00 Credits
A panoramic view of the major movements affecting nineteenth century Italian culture: Neo-classicism, Romanticism, the Risorgimento, Verismo, and Decadentism. Readings will include Foscolo, Leopardi, Manzoni, Mazzini, Verga, Carducci, Pascoli, and D'Annunzio. Prerequisite: Ital 312 or permission of instructor. Course Attributes: World Language Distribution II 3 Lect Hrs, 3 Credits
3.00 Credits
An overview of the major protagonists, trends and movement in twentieth century Italian literature from the earliest signs of cultural disaffection in the Crepuscolari and Futuristi to the linguistic games of the semiologists. Prerequisite: Ital 312 or permission of instructor. Course Attributes: World Language Distribution II 3 Lect Hrs, 3 Credits
3.00 Credits
In this integrative seminar the advanced student applies literary as well as interdisciplinary approaches to selected topics in Italian. For those students wishing to pursue the study of Italian language, literature or culture beyond the intermediate level. A course of study is jointly designed by supervising instructor and student. (Course offered in the fall only.) Prerequisite: Ital 202 or equivalent, and written permission of instructor. Hrs by arrangement, 3 Credits
3.00 Credits
See Ital 378. (Course offered in the fall only.) (Ital 378: In this integrative seminar the advanced student applies literary as well as interdisciplinary approaches to selected topics in German For those student wishing to pursue the study of Italian language, literature or culture beyond the intermediate level. A course of study is jointly designed by supervising instructor and student.) Prerequisite: Ital 202 or equivalent, and written permission of instructor. Hrs by arrangement, 3 Credits
3.00 Credits
A study of the development and evolution of the Italian lyrical tradition from the Sicilian school to the modern period. Prerequisite: Ital 311 or 312, or permission of instructor. Course Attributes: World Language Distribution II 3 Lect Hrs, 3 Credits
3.00 Credits
A study of the evolution of the short story from Boccaccio's Decameron to the modern short-fiction writers. A selection of writings from each century will be read and discussed from literary, social and cultural perspectives. Prerequisite: Ital 311 or 312, or permission of instructor. Course Attributes: World Language Distribution II 3 Lect Hrs, 3 Credits
3.00 Credits
A critical survey of the development of Italian theater from the late Middle Ages to the present, emphasizing significant contributions made to the international stage. Readings range from the Renaissance works of Poliziano and Machiavelli to the modern dramas of Betti and Pirandello. Prerequisite: Ital 311 or 312, or permission of instructor. Course Attributes: World Language Distribution II 3 Lect Hrs, 3 Credits.
3.00 Credits
A study of the Italian novel from Manzoni to contemporary writers. Literary trends such as "Verismo", "Regionalism" and "Letteratura di costume" will be considered in the writings of Verga, Manzoni, Vittorini, Moravia and others. Prerequisite: Ital 312, or permission of instrucCourse Attributes: World Language Distribution II 3 Lect Hrs, 3 Credits.
3.00 Credits
A survey of the principal poets from Carducci to Montale, with emphasis on Hermeticism. Prerequisite: Ital 311, or permission of instructor. Course Attributes: World Language Distribution II 3 Lect Hrs, 3 Credits.
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