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3.00 Credits
An in-depth discussion of current research in biological anthropology based on the reading of primary material from the recent literature. The course is oriented toward the study of human populations and focuses on important controversies and major research trends in a variety of areas including skeletal biology, nutrition, genetics, epidemiology, and evolutionary theory. PREREQUISITE: Permission of instructor. 3 Lect Hrs, 3 Credits
3.00 Credits
A course about reconstructing a human life from what may remain after death. Methods of determining age, sex, ancestry, and stature will be explored, along with what pathologies, anomalies, trauma, and personal habits can be deduced from bony and soft tissue remains. How the evidence garnered from fossils, comparative anatomy and behavior, tissue reconstruction, and our understanding of human growth and development will be used to further understand the nature of the physical and social person. An applied science used in criminology, archaeology, and elsewhere. Lab Fee $50.00. PREREQUISITES: Junior or senior standing with a previous 200-level course in biology or biological anthropology; or permission of instructor. 3 Lect Hrs, 3 Credits
3.00 Credits
A capstone seminar for anthropology majors, this course uses the lens of anthropological analysis to address a different topical theme each semester concerning the community and the world in which we live. The seminar encourages students to apply their previous classroom experience in the discipline to a multidimensional view of contemporary issues through individual and small group research projects. PREREQUISITES: Junior or senior standing and major in anthropology; or permission of instructor. 3 Lect Hrs, 3 Credits
3.00 Credits
This course applies the methods and techniques of the sciences to the problems and issues of archaeology. The course is part of the teaching program of the Center for Materials Research in Archaeology and Ethnology, a Boston-area consortium of universities and museums. Courses may be taught at any of the participating institutions, and exact content will vary. PREREQUISITES: Permission of instructor. Advanced standing and experience in laboratory science courses is expected. 3 Lect Hrs, 0-3 Lab Hrs Lect only: 3 Credits Lect and Lab: 4 Credits
3.00 Credits
Through the Cooperative Education Program anthropology majors may be placed in paid work situations either directly related to the field of anthropology or where anthropological concepts, theories, and/or methods can be explored. In conjunction with the work experience, students undertake a learning project under the direction of a faculty member. This project is based on a prospectus approved by the faculty advisor, which should include appropriate readings, field observation, and written work equivalent to a 3-credit, classroom-based course. Note: This course may not be counted toward the anthropology major distribution requirement. PREREQUISITES: Sophomore standing; minimum GPA of 2.5; satisfactory completion of introductory and two upper-level anthropology courses in the field most closely related to placement; and permission of instructor. 3 or 6 Credits
3.00 Credits
This course examines the complex issue of economic development from two inter-related perspectives: (1) Amartya Sen's "development as freedom" in which fundamental human freedoms are seen as primary indicators of economic development rather than per capita income and the rate of economic growth; (2) The spread of a global economy dominated by international banks and multinational corporations and their impact on the freedoms of a vast majority of human population. PREREQUISITE: Anth 106 or permission of instructor. 3 Lect Hrs, 3 Credit
3.00 Credits
This seminar focuses on the lives of modern Native Americans, on reservations and off. Topics for reading, discussion, and original research include law, politics, economic development, public health, education, and the arts. Each student in the seminar will compile and present a comprehensive case study on a subject relevant to one of the seminar themes. PREREQUISITE: Anth/AmSt L270 or permission of instructor. Diversity Area: United States. 3 Lect Hrs, 3 Credits.
3.00 Credits
Instruction in how to develop a comprehensive plan for research on a Latino Studies topic with significant public policy implications. Review of research design procedures, literature assessment, problem definition, use of a range of qualitative and quantitative research methods drawn broadly from the social sciences. PREREQUISITE: Permission of LLOP program and department. Hrs by arrangement, 3 Credits
3.00 Credits
Advanced students may conduct independent research under the supervision and guidance of members of the faculty. PREREQUISITES: Anth 105, or 106, or 107 (as appropriate). Open only to juniors and seniors with a 3.0 GPA in the major, except under exceptional circumstances to be evaluated by the instructor. This course may not be used to satisfy the distribution requirement in the major. Permission of instructor must be obtained before registering for this course. Hrs by arrangement, 1-3 Credits.
3.00 Credits
Intensive study of special topics, varying each year according to the instructor. REREQUISITE: Varies with topic; usually the appropriate introductory level course (Anth 105, or 106, or 107) and junior standing, or permission of instructor. 3 Lect Hrs, 3 Credits.
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